Hi-Rollers / High Rollers pics

  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    [runs in terror]

    It's so......pink.
  • Scarface%s's Photo
    Looks good voodoo.
    I like the colours and some of them buildings look nice.
    The flowers and bushes give it a nice atmosphere
  • Junya Boy%s's Photo
    Well after coming back from Las Vegas and getting very inspired, talking to adamrct and getting very persuaded, and just wanting to expirement and getting very good, I've begun work on my High Roller Entry, take a look-see...

    http://www.freewebs....high roller.jpg

    Stupid forum was supposed to make ^ a link, oh well, you all will have to copy and paste. Don't get lazy on me.

    Enjoy :D
  • Dixi%s's Photo
    ^ That looks awesome. Damn I dont even care if i win anymore, all these great parks will do wonders for RCT2 and im really looking forward to seeing some of them.
  • Rct Flame%s's Photo
    This sucks.

    I'm having an incredibly hard time thinking of a theme. I've tried 6 themes, gotten no ttoo far, decided I didn't like it, and erased it. I really need ideas :( . On top of that, everyone is showing some kickass screens.

    That's both good and bad.

    Good-This is obvious
    Bad-I can see my park plummeting on the list they'll give out of what places people get. lol
  • Scarface%s's Photo
    Looks good JB but maybe change the red wood and level it out with the roofing.
    Other than that its a fairly nice start
  • Physco%s's Photo
    Voodoo, you never cease to amaze me. You've improved so much since Flixtons Havens and your screen looks great.
  • RMM%s's Photo
    VooDoo, nice but try red.

    Di you draw your sig Physco?
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Can we have a thread where we advertise our parks? For example, if we wanted to wow other people with descriptions of what our parks will be like....?
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Seeing as no one knows or cares, I'll just release my pic and get it over with.

    Posted Image
  • Brynlaw%s's Photo
    Looks good i like maybe get rid of some of the shrubs infront of the building (the little green round shrubs)

    other than that i really like it keep it up

  • mantis%s's Photo
    Corky is the colour-god :D Blood Red is the colour in rct.

    The building is grand without being overly-boxy and the shrubs+gardens are stupidly well placed. I like the little sitting areas too :)

    This competition is going to be amazing. I hope that, aside from the winners, all the other entries get some airtime because it'll be awesome to see everyone's work!
  • Turtleman%s's Photo
    Yes, It is a good thing that I forfited. After Corky's pic...
  • BchillerR%s's Photo
    Click Here for Screenshot

    There's the first section to my park, I could tell you my theme but than you'd all hate it. But it's kind of obvious from the sign on one of the buildings. Erm this is just the first draft, the architecture will be improved on.

  • i c ded pplz%s's Photo
    Corky and Chiller - You two seem too be going the more traditional way of parkmaking, compared too the bright or dark parks this comp has seen so far.

    Interesting... :w00t:

    Edit: didn't see Junyas or Voodoos screen. Voodoo like most has mixed color in, while Junya has once more gone contemporary forest.

    I'm becoming more interested...

    BTW - Voodoo that is VERY Pink and i like it. :D

    Fucken b00tiful...
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    Uh Oh. Corky's using custom scenery. This means the end for the rest of us ;)
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    Meretrix, on Jul 6 2003, 03:06 AM, said:

    Uh Oh. Corky's using custom scenery. This means the end for the rest of us ;)

    *cough* City of Lights *cough*

    Oh wait, that'd only prove your point. ;)

    I just found out my map's too small... lol... but at least that means I might actually finish it. :D
  • Ablaze%s's Photo
    Looks good Corky, nice realistic buildings. I am not too sure about the bushes floating in mid air along side the building but apart from that the atmosphere is very nice.
  • Scarface%s's Photo

    Corkscrewed, on Jul 5 2003, 07:20 AM, said:

    Seeing as no one knows or cares, I'll just release my pic and get it over with.

    But i dont like the Roof tops - they look too shiny
  • iris%s's Photo
    Heh, I know this is early but...anyone even close to done?
    Yet to recieve a single entry.
    When finished, remember to send to liro@adelphia.net


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