Custom Scenery Exchange / MK's Workbench
25-November 17
MK98 Offline
Hi Guys,
After some work it’s finally done! The very first MK Workbench! First of all, thanks to Suprathehedgehog, Ziscor and GammaZero who tested it before uploading and gave me very good feedback. My mission was to make a bench which has a very far-reaching object choice. It’s a bit focused on very themed (European) projects, but could also be usefull for the ‘less-themed’ parks. For example: the bench contains 10 different sorts of paths, 11 different sorts of roofs, a lot of extra windows and some surprises. There’s enough choice for all the themes you come up with. Though, like every bench, this one also has some lacks. I had to make some difficult choices in the object selection. Some of the most important lacks, compared to other benches are:
-No land blocks
-No thin walls and corners
-Cut back in glass walls and no glass roofs
Also, keep in mind this is my first bench. There might be some problems or objects I really had to put in. If you see something, please let me know. When needed I will fix the problems and upload a better version.
Now have fun building in my bench!
Attached Files
MK's workbench.sv6 (21.52MB)
downloads: 8 -
MK's workbench (fixed).sv6 (21.52MB)
downloads: 18
RWE Offline
Always cool to see new benches! Thank you for making it, dude!
Just checked it out and it was really good too!