(Archive) Advertising District / Disney's Tilted Acres Update!
10-June 03
disneylandfan Offline
I have definately contributed to that number, seeing as I visit your page ten times a day to gwak and stare hungrily at the screens. Good God Man! This park is incredible. I usually don't post, being more of a lurker, but you asked, so I posted. I love Discovery Land (Tomorrow Land)! It looks fan tastic! I am dying for this park to come out! -
Hevydevy Offline
I love all the colors of Discoveryland. You have the atmosphere down perfectly. The only thing I'm a little leary on is the peoplemover type ride, but that's okay. I do think you should change the white though.
Meretrix Offline
Thanks to all who have posted feedback! I really appreciate it. I have posted 5 new shots in the archive. The entrance to Small World, The Tikki Room, Discoveryland, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, and an overhead shot of the park thus far. Keep in mind that the overhead shot was taken in the editor. Each of the dark rides has been built, just not placed in the finished park yet. I am trying to do as much theming in the park in the editor, then doing the touch up stuff in the park itself. Hopefully I won't hit the sprite limit
Enjoy the shots!
Tilted Acres
P.S. Webshots just informed me that I had an additional 1000 hits this week!!!!!!
Where the hell is the feedback people!?!?!?!? -
Marshy Offline
the small world entrance is cool, great colours, Mr Toads Wild Ride is neat, i love the Tiki room, the overview is full of awsomenessby the looks of it, thisis gunna be one hell of a park when finished. -
FindingNemo Offline
All I can say about the current and new screens from the park is "HOLY SHIT!"they rock dude! Keep up the Great Work.
California Coasters Offline
I own Wacky Worlds too, I am not evil...^ evil wacky worlds owner, you get too enjoy it... *sigh*
BE evil... You know you want to...
Stay an angel...Keep Wacky Worlds...
I don't have a life... *sigh*... -
penguinBOB Offline
3.I think Phantom Manor's white walls should be something darker, like a brown or that deep purple.
4.On Dumbo's Flight, the base blocks can use some scenery besides those lamps, maybe a row of shrubs?
6.The trees in the Indiana Jones ride can use some variation. Throw about 2 different ones into the mix, ones without the same colored leaves as the others. Also on the inside near the edges of some of the walls, it's flat and has no folliage; I think some jagged rocks next to those would be good.
7.On the lava on the Indiana Jones ride, keep it the same color. I see a vivid red waterfall going into a burnt orange pond of lava, they clash horribly, unless the red is blood...
8.What's with the orange 1/4 rapids by that pirate ship?
11.Those WW fountains water color doesn't go with the normal water, consider doing something different there.
12.The black wooden base blocks look strange, can you explain them, or just do something different there.
13.The wine colored over-hangs need some toning down, they don't fit in at all with the building they're on, maybe that rustic red and tan would look better.
14.Same as above only with the aqua overhangs, just look out of place.
16.The grass tile looks out of place, change the texture to rock or dirt or something.
17.The walls hiding the red supports for those paths to the rocket look bad, just leave them off.
18.See 16.
All of the pictures I didn't comment about look great, well the whole thing in general looks amazing, but those things I mentioned are just little "snags" that kind of take away from the effect. Great Job so far!! -
MickMaximus Offline
Tikki and Mt. Toad's are some great looking bldgs. I love the architecture thus far, very disneyesque. -
Physco Offline
We all know.I don't have a life... *sigh*...
The park looks great, the Tiki room is really cool looking. You really have done a lot in the editor. Lets hope you can get it out. This park rocks.
Its WW. -
Meretrix Offline
Six new shots are up in the archive. Two are from Fantasyland. The other four are from Discoveryland, including three of the one of a kind thrill attraction Buzz Lightyear's Atom Smasher. This exciting new ride features a flying launch down a tunnel full of flashing light, and several great effects throughout the course of the ride. This is a Disney exclusive to Tilted Acres. Thanks to B&M for their revolutionary engineering, and for taking their flying coaster in a breakthrough direction.
Enjoy the screens, and let me know what you thinkTilted Acres Archive
Ryanb122 Offline
sloB Offline
the new screens look absolutely delicious as usual. is this gonna be a no roof park or hows that gonna work? -
Meretrix Offline
Four new screens are up. A revised pic of Atom Smasher (fully themed) and part of the Jungle Cruise. Also, the entrance to Critter Country and the Bear Country Jamboree.
Tilted Acres -
Meretrix Offline
There are two final screens up in the archive. There will be no more updates about this park until it is released. -
Meretrix Offline
Sometime before Sept. 23rd. If it's not done by then, it won't be released until December, as I will be in Budapest until then.
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