(Archive) Advertising District / Disney's Tilted Acres Update!
10-June 03
intamin101 Offline
With the dark rides, I reccomend you do what Natelox did with his Disney park a while back. Make one version with roofs, and one version without. That way its not such a pain to have to get ride of all of the roofs when you want to see a ride, but you can also see what the park looks like with the roofs. -
Turtleman Offline
pssst.. there is something called See through scenery.With the dark rides, I reccomend you do what Natelox did with his Disney park a while back. Make one version with roofs, and one version without. That way its not such a pain to have to get ride of all of the roofs when you want to see a ride, but you can also see what the park looks like with the roofs.
BTW, looks nice. -
lazyboy97O Offline
If he uses scenery to theme the dark rides then you can't see them with See Through Scenery.pssst.. there is something called See through scenery.
BTW, looks nice.
Meretix, this park is looking wonderful. I may have to buy WW just for this. -
Hevydevy Offline
Very nice. I like all the fantasy land rides you got there. They look very realistic. It's good to know someone is using those fabrige(sp?) egg spinner thingys. The new castle is da bomb. I especially love those vines crawling up the side.
Hevydevy -
Panther Offline
Meretrix, Disney is definatly your type of style. This park is looking amazing and the false-fronts on Main Street are awesome! The castle looks good...but its pink. I feel like you are rising above my expectations of what Wacky Worlds is and can be. I might have to go buy it so I can view this park!
By the way, if you ever do any plain RCT2 parks and need a tester; I am availible! -
REspawn Offline
i was one of the lucky ones who downloaded WW before it was taken off the net.
so you can send it to me, MERETRIX. -
MickMaximus Offline
This is a beautiful park. Everything looks fantastic.
When will it be available for download??
Meretrix Offline
Thanks for all the positive feedback. Of course, all comments are welcomed, as I am so close to this project that it is sometimes hard to step back and see things that could be improved upon. As for when it will be available, I am guessing sometime in September. Judging by the overview shot of the park, I have to finish theming Discoveryland, Frontierland, Adventureland, and Critter Country. Then there is the matter of the rides....each dark ride is just as elaborate as the outside theming......so, I'm thinking that it will take at least another 3 - 4 months of work. Plus I'll be out of the country soon so I won't be able to work on it then. Expect more pictures up tonight (of Adventureland, Pirates of the Carribean, and Indiana Jones, Temple of Peril (a dark ride, not a rollercoaster like DLP, even though technically it IS a coaster). -
Meretrix Offline
Three new screens are up in the archive. A shot of Pirates of the Caribbean facade, Indiana Jones facade and a few buildings in the Grotto section of Adventureland. Enjoy, and again.....FEEDBACK is encouraged. -
Prince Offline
The last 3 pics are beautiful except for red (hopefully you'll change the color, its distracting) and the pirate ship has some weird looking custom walls but not that bad, and what is that strange custom scenery in the grotto grill screen?
~Prince Ashitaka~ -
lazyboy97O Offline
There's something about the Pirates facade that I don't like. Now I'm not sure about DLP or TDL, but at DL and TMK the facade to Pirates is rather quaint. I also don't like the big Signs for Indiana Jones and Pirates.The grotto and Indiana Jones facade both look excellent. -
Meretrix Offline
The red is only to denote where the actual ride goes. Which strange custom scenery are you referring to? I use so much.
As for the Pirates facade. It is inspired by the DLP version. At DLP they put Pirates in Adventureland, not New Orleans, so that is why it looks piratey. -
lazyboy97O Offline
Oh, so it's DLP style like everything else. Actually Pirates is only in New Orleans Square at Disneyland, USA because the land is unique to Disneyland. It's in Adventureland everywhere else. -
Meretrix Offline
5 new shots are up (a few are revised shots of some Adventureland pics) and also some new Fantasyland shots (Peter Pan and Winnie the Pooh)
Tilted Acres Archive -
John Offline
Well, some of your building facades seem rather small and you need a little help with the gardening/tree selection, but other than that it looks very nice! They (I'm assuming it's a honey pot) looks very nice about the entrance, very creative. (If it's not a pot, sorry lol.) -
Hevydevy Offline
I love your architecture. It is very detailed and quite realistic. The Indiana Jones entrance is amazing, but the thing I like most about this park is the Fantasyland. It looks so much like Fantasyland you could mistake it for a real park. The themeing is just right.
Don't change a thing,
Hevydevy -
Panther Offline
It is official. I will most likely get Wacky Worlds so I can see this park.
But I won't ofcourse make parks using it...I think... -
Physco Offline
I love it! I hope that you put roofs on the buildings though. Other than that it looks nice. -
Meretrix Offline
The park will be released with roofs and without them. I have put up one last screen shot for the week. It is of the actual Indiana Jones Ride.Tilted Acres Archive
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