(Archive) Advertising District / Disney's Tilted Acres Update!
10-June 03
mantis Offline
The jungle cruise looks beautiful. That is, if I ignore the damn WW trees (eugh). I like the layout+water use. Well Done on that.
Autopia is pretty too, but that lamp in the middle is about 5x size! Scary lamp.
I'd be looking forward to this park if I could open it, but I can't so I guess screens will have to do. -
MickMaximus Offline
Space Mnt is bad ass.......you couldn't have constructed it any better. It has it's own flavor as well. Man you have spotlight written all over this, and if not definite runner up -
MickMaximus Offline
Mantis you don't have WW?The jungle cruise looks beautiful. That is, if I ignore the damn WW trees (eugh). I like the layout+water use. Well Done on that.
Autopia is pretty too, but that lamp in the middle is about 5x size! Scary lamp.
I'd be looking forward to this park if I could open it, but I can't so I guess screens will have to do.
Y should buy it just to view parks like this, it seems worth it, ya know. -
Pym Guy Offline
Iris won't accept any WW parks for spotlight or runner up or anything having to do with RCT.Man you have spotlight written all over this, and if not definite runner up
sloB Offline
the latest screens are a lil iffy. as mantis said, the jungle cruise is awesome, very aesthetically pleasing() but the rest i dont kno about. like the entrance pic i dont like those flowers u used at all. but the mickey mouse next them is really cool. also i dont kno about ur entire color scheme for tomorrowland. the gold blue pink just doesnt work for me personally. nonetheless i am actually really into this park and ill defniitley d/l it anyway
Meretrix Offline
The color scheme for Discoveryland was ripped off....errrm I mean "inspired by" Disneyland Paris. I have been to that park 12 times in the last 7 years, and each time I am constantly amazed by their brilliant use of color. Lots of gold, brown, teal, burnt orange, fuschia, magenta, deep scarlet, it's all there. The idea behind it is much more Victorian, and a Victorian idea of futuristic space exploration than Walt had for his American parks (which were conceptualized in the minimalistic and funky 50's and 60's). Anywho, sorr you don't like the color scheme. I personally prefer it, having experienced all of the "Tomorrowland's" and not liking the bland white and light blue color scheme from the other parks. Obviously, Disneyland CA liked it too, because they changed much of Tomorrowland to the same color scheme as DLP. -
CoasterWizard Offline
Colours are fantastic.The color scheme for Discoveryland was ripped off....errrm I mean "inspired by" Disneyland Paris. I have been to that park 12 times in the last 7 years, and each time I am constantly amazed by their brilliant use of color. Lots of gold, brown, teal, burnt orange, fuschia, magenta, deep scarlet, it's all there. The idea behind it is much more Victorian, and a Victorian idea of futuristic space exploration than Walt had for his American parks (which were conceptualized in the minimalistic and funky 50's and 60's). Anywho, sorr you don't like the color scheme. I personally prefer it, having experienced all of the "Tomorrowland's" and not liking the bland white and light blue color scheme from the other parks. Obviously, Disneyland CA liked it too, because they changed much of Tomorrowland to the same color scheme as DLP.
They mimic the colours at Disneyland Paris perfectly, and give it that Jules Vernes "turn of the century sci-fi" feel. Don't change anything. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Geez... you are still the only person I've seen make WW look good. It sucks, really. You should have made it into custom scenery, lol. I won't be able to look at this!
Anyway, most of the pics are awesome. The Discoveryland/Tomorrowland screen looks a bit TOO colorful IMO, but that's mostly because of the oranges. Atom Smasher also looks rather.... odd. It stands out awkwardly IMO, since the coaster's theming looks very amateurish in contrast to the expert architecture elsewhere in the park.
The architecture is still fantastic and very Disney-esque, and the Tiki Room looks incredible! I love the wild, exotic yet rustic look of the area, and the WW elements actually work very well here.
I don't know how you've managed to get so many pieces of scenery in w/o going over the limit, but great job! This park is very nice. -
Meretrix Offline
Thanks for the observation Corky. Actually I went back in and rethemed Atom Smasher to be more in line with the rest of the area. I have finally stopped adding and subtracting scenery. Actually, I have discovered that carefully selecting the right scenery tabs makes all the difference. Special thanks have to go out to TT for making his walls appear in the walls tab. It saves room in the ? slot. Finally, this park will be released with Custom Music, roofs and no roofs, and also as a scenario, so those who want to can add their own attractions if they want to. -
ioafreak Offline
oooo..... ican't wait for this park to come out. i just love disney. have all the disney parks on this site downloaded. i will download this park right when it comes out. great job Meretrix on making WW fit in so well.
ioafreak -
mantis Offline
But I don't really see it like that - the £30 i'd be spending on WW (a game i'd only be using to look at parks like this) would be better spent on music/outings etc.
Mantis you don't have WW?The jungle cruise looks beautiful. That is, if I ignore the damn WW trees (eugh). I like the layout+water use. Well Done on that.
Autopia is pretty too, but that lamp in the middle is about 5x size! Scary lamp.
I'd be looking forward to this park if I could open it, but I can't so I guess screens will have to do.
Y should buy it just to view parks like this, it seems worth it, ya know.
I guess they may end up releasing an all-in-one bundle at some point, but at this moment it wouldn't be worth my while, really -
Tony Offline
I love the Space Mountain building. It's A Small World looks very er...It's A Small World. -
sloB Offline
no thats 30 Euros not pounds. theyre the new currency in Europe (some places) and they are almost exactly the same as American Dollars. as far as i know.30 pounds for WW? That's highway robbery. That's about 50$ US. Reediculous!!!
Tech Artist Offline
i can't wait to d/l this park when i get WW after it is done. $50 for WW. that is a rip. -
Meretrix Offline
As far as I recall, the Euro is only used on the continent. GB and Scotland still use the Pound Sterling. (Correct me if I'm wrong). -
coasterphil Offline
The Small World screen isn't really looking that great IMO. It doesn't match the quality of you other work in the park. -
Turtle Offline
That's right Meretrix, we here in the UK are still using the pound sterling, and it's about 30 quid here, complete rip off. Euro's on the continent only. -
mantis Offline
I'm pro-euro though. Oh well.
Well, Meretrix, when you finish this park could you at least post an overview of the park? Maybe an enormous shot of it, so we could scroll around as if it were a park. I know that would suck cos of the angles, but hey, it's something. -
Coasterguy Offline
It always amazes me what stuff people can develop and put into RCT 2 parks. I'm jealous because I want to create a great park but don't have the patience to do it. Great job on this park, I really can't wait to download it!
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