General Chat / NE's Great Sexuality Survey v2

  • Poke%s's Photo

    Yes, in the western world, where women are still disproportionally sexually assaulted, domestically abused, objectified + sexualised in the media, catcalled, mansplained everytime they open their mouth, harassed and another endless amount of ways about how women are constantly controlled, manipulated and abused by men, please tell me how women are not disadvantaged in society.

  • FredD%s's Photo

    There are men who are sexually assaulted or domestically abused too, but since there's a taboo around it you almost never hear anything of that. I think we all agree that abuse and sexual assaults are bad but it goes too far to say there's only a problem towards women with that. Male victims don't dare to talk openly about it or even report it out of shame. 


    There is also advertising with half naked men, most of the times with gorgeous bodies with six packs. That is objectifying too. Though do you hear anyone complain about that?! Mainsplaining is a feminist term for women who can't stand being explained something from a man. I can't take that complaint seriously, women complaining about this are the same kind of women who complain about men holding the door for them.


    Catcalling can be unpleasant yeah, not gonna discuss about that. How are women controlled then? They are as free to do what they want just like you and me. A girl has the same chances as a boy in our society. Nobody forces women to become mothers, they chose it themselves. Nobody forces women to do part time jobs, they chose it themselves. I think you underestimate women by saying they are oppressed by men. 


    Feminists have hardly to complain in our western society. While there are parts in the world were women are forced to wear scarfs, nijabs or burkas. Where women are not allowed to drive, not allowed to go to school, where their genitals are maimed out of religious beliefs. And so on. 

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    I didn't have the time to respond, I will in the near future, but let me say this already... Fred, you make a lot of wild assumptions that are based on nothing but your questionable gut feeling and internet stereotypes. And also assumptions on what people actually mean. No one said anything about females being surpressed but you brought it up anyway as if it''s relevant to your dialogue with Poke.

  • FredD%s's Photo

    It aren't assumptions just because you don't agree with it. Don't give me the "people feel like a different gender" stuff because that is bullshit and a bigger assumption than what I wrote. Like people's feelings should matter. If science tells us how gender is defined, how your male or femaleness becomes, than that's how it is. Because it's observed and proven to be true, no matter how someone feels. There are people who feel the Earth is flat, doesn't make it true. It's not if I feel like I'm a black person, that I am a black person.


    There is literally a question about the equality between males and females. How can you find it weird that someone mentions females or males being suppressed or not. That's what's the question is about... 


    Shame someone with a different opinion is being ridiculed, told he's only assuming. Like all the other persons here are experts and their opinion is superior?! That type of political correctness brought us to the problems we have today.

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    You did not understand my post. I said that you were debating with people that aren't here and misinterpreting people's words as well as the questions.




    "Because it's observed and proven to be true, no matter how someone feels." --> it is also observed and proven that it's not as simple. Also, the point about the whole discussion is that gender and sexuality and all those things are not synonyms. No one is saying "I identify with an attack helicopter, therefore I AM an attack helicopter!"  How about you read this. Simple, well written explanations behind all the terms you're mixing up: https://www.plannedp...gender-identity


    Shame someone with a different opinion is being ridiculed, told he's only assuming. Like all the other persons here are experts and their opinion is superior?! That type of political correctness brought us to the problems we have today.

    What is giving us trouble is the mindset that it's better to go off on a rant/monologue rather than actually having a conversation and entering that conversation with an open mind. An open mind does not mean that you agree with everything, but it does mean that you're not shutting people with other opinions down with crap like "this is bullshit, just look like your pants and you will know".
  • chorkiel%s's Photo

    I'd say it isn't necessarily about women being disadvantaged anymore, it's more about men being more advantaged/priviliged. If that makes any sense. Women basically  have the same rights as men, but it's now up to society to enforce equality. That's something that won't happen in the blink of an eye, it'll take years or even decades. Look at the position of POC. They've had the same rights for quite some time now, but it still seems as if they aren't really equal.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    Hmm you guys probably know my thoughts from discord but i couldn't disagree more with gender "having to be two or else society gets fucked". Just sounds like a lot of stuff people will regret having believed in 50 years when we all learn to not give a fuck and impose our norms on everyone else. Anyway i was a lot more articulate then, not gonna get it into it now

    In the words of the best australian comedy group aunty donna, " you can be feminist and a bloke"
  • SensualEthiopianPolice%s's Photo

    It should be worth mentioning that some cultures inherently have more than 2 genders, the most being 8 I believe. The idea that it's biological is sorta true but largely nonsense given that we know certain societies don't have two outright

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    I think this whole thing boils down to respect. If someone asks to be referred to in a certain way, why would you do otherwise? It doesn't matter whether their gender is "real" or not, it shouldn't hurt you to call someone "zhe" instead of "she", but it does matter to them that you give them the human decency to make them feel comfortable and accepted, if you're able to do so. 

    The same thing happens in the men vs women thing. Men have more power than women. We're physically stronger, have a more socially accepted role as a head-of-household, hold more positions of power in the workforce, and on average earn more money. Women don't. As a result they're singled out, made uncomfortable, and often disrespected when they try to take on those roles, and that tends to put them at a disadvantage, when pursuing particular definitions of success. The inverse can be true as well: since women are seen as more nurturing, and men typically seen as more sexual, men being around children has a much more negative stigma than women being around children, making it more difficult for men to pursue careers in education, childcare, or social services. 

    Respect the choices of others, and the world can be a happier place.

  • FredD%s's Photo
    I don't think we should introduce new pronoums or change the concept of sex/gender because some people get offended by it. That's the sickness of today, people get offended by anything and I don't think we should follow that line.

    Just say it like it is. Not how people want it.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    ^so your counter to inthemanual is just "fuck those people coz i dont want to care"

  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo

    ironically enough, i'm the non-binary one

  • chorkiel%s's Photo

    That's very well-put, itm.

  • FredD%s's Photo
    Care... I don't know why we should put so much time and effort in keeping people not offended. It's like saying being fat isn't bad and unhealthy because otherwise the fatties might get offended. While being fat isn't good or healthy in anyway. I'm fat too and I know I'm not healthy. I don't care if someone calls me a fattie or is looking weird at me, they are right.

    People need to grow a thicker skin. Instead of caring of feelings so much we better search for the truth. And the truth does not care about feelings or beliefs.
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    I think you are monologuing and not actually responding to anyone here, but because you insist... What if everyone, friends and family included, referred to you as 'she', and consistently call you Fattie instead of Fred... Fred would not be a thing anymore, only Fattie. Happy birthday fattie. Good morning fattie. Welcome to Plopsaland, can I see your ticket please, Fattie? I'm 100% sure you would not be comfortable with that and you would tell them you would like to be called by your name Fred. They ignore you. Would you just accept that as a case of you needing a thicker skin, no pun intended? Or are your peers ignoring your personal needs? Everyone has needs. Sometimes it's about diet (are you making a meal with meat if you know your guest is a vegetarian?), sometimes it's about mobility (if you're taking your grandma out for dinner, you're not doing that on the second floor in a building without an elevator), and sometimes it's about this. It's only common decency to accept each other's needs. You have them too.

  • Sulakke%s's Photo

    I think transgenders and whatever new genders there are nowadays should be respected and they should be able to live however they want. But, I do think these new transgender toilets popping up are completely ridiculous. It's outright unpractical to build entire new toilets for the few people that do not feel comfortable choosing a gender.

  • SensualEthiopianPolice%s's Photo

    I haven't heard about transgender bathrooms, but what I did hear about is just converting them into unisex which is way more efficient

  • FredD%s's Photo

    I think you are monologuing and not actually responding to anyone here, but because you insist... What if everyone, friends and family included, referred to you as 'she', and consistently call you Fattie instead of Fred... Fred would not be a thing anymore, only Fattie. Happy birthday fattie. Good morning fattie. Welcome to Plopsaland, can I see your ticket please, Fattie? I'm 100% sure you would not be comfortable with that and you would tell them you would like to be called by your name Fred. They ignore you. Would you just accept that as a case of you needing a thicker skin, no pun intended? Or are your peers ignoring your personal needs? Everyone has needs.




    I don't mind being called fat or whatever, I know I am. If I would be mad and claim I'rm skinny, than there's something wrong. In that case I'd be denying the truth. That's what I meant to say.


    Of course I wouldn't like it when everyone unknown person would use swear words to greet me. Like anyone else wouldn't like that. But the difference is... a pronoun like he or she is not a swear word. I think it is ridiculous to get offended by a pronoun. It has always been there, and now of a sudden it's a problem? All of this because a crazy small group with a very loud voice. Even real unisex persons think they are annoying and don't have any problems with the he or she pronoun. Really, if someone rather wants to be called a he instead or she, ok. But new pronouns, new genders... is crazy talk. Unisex people form just a really small group, and even they are just normal men or women, but with a deviation. I don't see anything wrong with the system, where gender is based on your chromosomes. 


    Dress all the way you want, I don't care. Call yourself another name, I don't care. But I do have problems when you gonna deny hard science that DNA is. DNA does not lie. XY chromosomes: men. XX-chromosomes: women. Simple as that. 




    I haven't heard about transgender bathrooms, but what I did hear about is just converting them into unisex which is way more efficient




    Here in Belgium the government financed a study that has cost a lot of money to make new toilet signs that wouldn't offend anyone. Stuff and debates like this take time and money away from the real problems! 

  • SensualEthiopianPolice%s's Photo


    Dress all the way you want, I don't care. Call yourself another name, I don't care. But I do have problems when you gonna deny hard science that DNA is. DNA does not lie. XY chromosomes: men. XX-chromosomes: women. Simple as that. 


    Yeah, but why can't you respect other peoples beliefs, goy

  • FredD%s's Photo

    Yeah, but why can't you respect other peoples beliefs, goy



    Some beliefs are ridiculously stupid and scientifically untrue, like the belief that the Earth is flat for example. In that case, why should there be respect for it?!...



    I agree what almost everything he says, not on his anti-abortion arguments. 




    I'm gonna ignore this topic from now on. I made my point and arguments, and gonna stand with them. Anyone who wants to discuss this with me further on can PM me. Note that I don't have any problem with any person here. 


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