Custom Scenery Exchange / Recurious' objects
- 06-May 17
Recurious Offline
Because I keep getting an increasing number of requests to share my objects (especially my diagonal ride objects and looping objects) I decided to make this topic to make all my finished objects available for download. The list below are ALL of my finished objects, and you will find out that they are surprisingly few in number.
Just a heads up, ALL of my ride objects are not finished, and therefore they will not be available yet. Since I'm very busy at the moment I don't see them getting finished anytime soon, however I am aiming to start working on them again near the end of this year. So please stop asking me, the answer is: No they are not finished yet, and also no, I will not send you the unfinished version either,and yes I also want them to be finished, and yes I will start working on them again, but not now. Sorry.
Diagonal Brick Wall 1/4 version:
downloads: 23Diagonal Brick Wall full version:
downloads: 21Diagonal Picket Fence: (was actually rather shocked nobody had made this yet)
downloads: 211K corner pole 4 units high (fixed version):
downloads: 16Snowy Tree:
downloads: 17Snowy Wall:
downloads: 18Snowy Diagonal Picket Fence:
downloads: 18Ugly roof object:
downloads: 17This small steel support thingy:
downloads: 14Diagonal Half planks:
downloads: 16Fence object I made for FredD:
downloads: 16Diagonal Chair Lift Horizontal Track Pieces:
downloads: 24The sloped version of the chairlift is also finished, however it is glitching a little bit. Should be an easy fix, I will do it somewhere this weekend.
Current objects that are a work in progress:
YoloSweggLord Offline
Some of these objects look very useful! I'll have to remember to download these when I'm back in Texas. Just wondering, I know you based your giga loop sprite off of sprites from another coaster, do you have separate sprites of each of the 'sections' of the loop? That would actually make it quite easy to implement into OpenRCT2 even without a new save file format. -
nicman Offline
Some of these objects look very useful! I'll have to remember to download these when I'm back in Texas. Just wondering, I know you based your giga loop sprite off of sprites from another coaster, do you have separate sprites of each of the 'sections' of the loop? That would actually make it quite easy to implement into OpenRCT2 even without a new save file format.
I do not think they would implement it without having the proper train sprites. So I think it would be better as a scenery object.
But thank god, there is someone else here to make objects.
X7123M3-256 Offline
Are you sure? They have already implemented steep slopes on the Junior coaster and inversions on the dive coaster, though neither train has appropriate sprites for those. They are still useful if you're using a custom train, and even if you aren't, some people don't mind the glitching.I do not think they would implement it without having the proper train sprites. So I think it would be better as a scenery object.
YoloSweggLord Offline
Plus, having it as a scenery object doesn't allow you to have the proper draw order, so the track appears "on top" of the train where necessary and vice versa. -
Stoksy Offline
Thanks for releasing this stuff! Amusingly I'm actually most interested in that diagonal brick wall, less exciting than the diagonal trackwork but I was wondering if one of those had been made for ages (same with the full-tile diagonal picket fence).
robbie92 Offline
This is awesome, Recurious!
Just wondering out loud here, but is there a possible way to make a diagonal chairlift flat that's closer together? I'm trying to make some cables for a streetcar and the diagonal one doesn't combine well with a straight piece in terms of width.
Recurious Offline
It is definitely possible, in fact I had them closer together before, however this way it becomes very hard to make it functional. In order to make this chairlift sprite "work" I merged the chairlift with a suspended coaster and then made the suspended coaster invisible. The problem is that the chair lift cars always center on the track of the suspended coaster, so I made the sprite so the cables align with 2 suspended coaster tracks next to eachother. The reason why two chairlift cars can move in opposite direction on the same track normally is because the chairlift track is a "special" type. However I'm not sure if it is possible to make a diagonal track version that has the same characteristic. You also can't move the tracks of the suspended coasters one tile closer to eachother because in this case the ends won't line up and you will have problems on the parts were the track goes up and down. (I know this explanation is probably a bit vague but I'm typing this out on my phone so formatting/making corrections is a bit shitty). -
robbie92 Offline
It is definitely possible, in fact I had them closer together before, however this way it becomes very hard to make it functional. In order to make this chairlift sprite "work" I merged the chairlift with a suspended coaster and then made the suspended coaster invisible. The problem is that the chair lift cars always center on the track of the suspended coaster, so I made the sprite so the cables align with 2 suspended coaster tracks next to eachother. The reason why two chairlift cars can move in opposite direction on the same track normally is because the chairlift track is a "special" type. However I'm not sure if it is possible to make a diagonal track version that has the same characteristic. You also can't move the tracks of the suspended coasters one tile closer to eachother because in this case the ends won't line up and you will have problems on the parts were the track goes up and down. (I know this explanation is probably a bit vague but I'm typing this out on my phone so formatting/making corrections is a bit shitty).
Oh, I wouldn't be using this to run a ride on, just as a scenery piece.
Recurious Offline
Because people asked for them on discord.
Corner pole but then centered
RECFBCEN.DAT (894bytes)
downloads: 11The Dach object but steep
downloads: 9A planter
downloads: 13Wooden plank wall object (this one only works with trimmed corners, I should fix it at some point but it should work decently if you use corner trims)
downloads: 9Vertical Wooden planks
downloads: 13 -
Recurious Offline
Vertical Wooden Planks set as requested by splitvision (see image in post above). This set also has a fixed version of the previous wooden plank wall which was misaligned by 1 pixel.
Fixed version of the wooden plank wall:
downloads: 152 height version
downloads: 144 height version
downloads: 141/4 baseblock version
downloads: 141/4 diagonal baseblock version
downloads: 141/4 diagonal standalone version
downloads: 14
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