RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
Comet Offline
Clouds Rest: 5%
I finished basic landscaping, have all the coasters down, park layout finalized, and progress has been made in each of the park's seven areas. -
][ntamin22 Offline
chugging along on a large-scale LL project that I somehow have inherited half of. two areas going, one at 75% and one at 45%.
also working a little on gee's favorite park.
cocoa- get that shit submitted! -
In:Cities Offline
ivalice- 99% complete.
my college transition threw me off a bit, along with the fact that 8cars isnt working normally for my in vista on my new laptop, so i'm having to transfer it to my other laptop with XP.
but all it needs is just 20 minutes worth of finishing touches, and it's completely done:]
after just not even two months of work! -
SSSammy Offline
Spectre: 90% just foliage and finishing touches to do.
god i take too much time on foliage. -
Splitvision Offline
In:Cities I'm really looking forward to Ivalice, make sure you submit it the moment it's done!
my solo is coming soon -
Jazz Offline
Can someone tell me where to find an earlier version of 8cars. The newest version is giving me random error trappers even when I dont use any 8cars features. Thanks
Just reiterating this resquest. -
ChillerHockey33 Offline
Thanks! Still havent gotten it. Though JDP tried me on AIM but I was away at the time. -
SSSammy Offline
ive added you on MSN. i can send you the 3 decent versions. though you'll probably have to sign some waver incase riven3d rips my testicles off. -
Sulakke Offline
Dude, what happened to that globe. That one was awesome!Ikaros+: 50%?
Project X.2: 85%
Project X.3: 70%
Project X.4: 80%
New project: 10% -
Liampie Offline
Dude, what happened to that globe. That one was awesome!
O, forgot about that one. 1%
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