RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
SSSammy Offline
yaay for nokia.
spectre: 61%
child orientated park: 60%
its stupendous what planning can do.
i started spectre just after a was drafted for h2h, and i started the CO park 2 weeks ago (with adequate planning) and theyre both at the same level of completion. -
Ripsaw Offline
Soar is 100& suported now
but i need someone to do the zero clearance work as my comp is shit and wont allow anything lol
Basicaly need the missing railings on the lift of soar doing and the lowering off the bob track for the logflume
email if interested -
][ntamin22 Offline
yaay for nokia.
spectre: 61%
child orientated park: 60%
its stupendous what planning can do.
i started spectre just after a was drafted for h2h, and i started the CO park 2 weeks ago (with adequate planning) and theyre both at the same level of completion.
looking forward to whichever you finish next. -
robbie92 Offline
Secret Solo: 25%... Should start advertising by the end of this weekend, when I hit 40% or so. -
ChillerHockey33 Offline
Can someone tell me where to find an earlier version of 8cars. The newest version is giving me random error trappers even when I dont use any 8cars features. Thanks -
Cocoa Offline
parc asterix is chugging along really slowly... i keep just creating random pieces of architecture inspired by things in real life then saving them in a ride and deleting them.
project panama is at about 75% but i haven't worked on it in a while- it will get finished eventually however.
ll solo- stuck in the finishing stages. i'm not happy with one area -
zodiac Offline
gah, i need to finish something. i have the inspiration, just no motivation.
design: 10% -
robbie92 Offline
Muskoka Grove: probably around 30-35%. I hit a bit of a wall last night with one area, but that's pretty much gone now, so progress is back on track. -
G Force Offline
Cedar Fair park 25% almost finnished the coasters.
American Eagle Design 92% All I have to do is place the rest of the tree and send it in.
I'm not doing the Drachen Fire Design, or Silver Valley any more. -
K0NG Offline
KING K0NG The Ride...23.7% (despite being distraught over Louis' harsh comments).
ODH....probably between 62.6 and 63.1% after expanding the map, depending on which angle I view it from....
And, adding a couple of things to Roswell. -
Louis! Offline
Legend - 100% (Waiting for NE Release)
Aberystwyth Gardens - 80%
LL Solo - 60%
And a bunch of other stuff but everything is on hold. Gonna try and finish up AG today and tomorrow and then thats done.
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