RCT Discussion / Park Updates

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    That the same screen you showed me a couple months ago? Glad to see you're still working on it!

  • Lagom%s's Photo

    Cheers guys!

    @Jappy - Yes, it is. Haven't had much time to work on it until a few days ago. Hope to make some good progress this weekend. How is your Piano Park coming along?

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    It's....on hold. I'm waiting until my exams have ended since I don't have much time at the moment. So no progress until after the 24th of June sadly. After that, it's all RCT! Olympics and Piano Park!

  • trav%s's Photo

    90% done...one more day and I should be able to finish it up!


    Attached Image: SCR2.png

  • Stoksy%s's Photo

    Oh damn, you made a tonne of progress yesterday!

  • trav%s's Photo

    Yeah. building on an older bench makes progress a lot easier without feeling the need to detail every inch of bench.

  • Sulakke%s's Photo

    Is that Clovelly?

  • trav%s's Photo

    It is!

  • chorkiel%s's Photo

    Do you still work on Soliloguy?

  • trav%s's Photo

    Sadly not, I don't have that park anymore which is a huge shame. I also didn't make back ups of it or email it to myself which is pretty weird. 

  • chorkiel%s's Photo

    Huge bummer. I really liked the screens you've shown from that.

  • Lagom%s's Photo


  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Looks amazing. Are you going to add urban surroundings too?
  • Lagom%s's Photo

    Thanks. Yes, I'm definitely going to add urban surroundings.

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    I really want to see a close up of Insane! I'm so curious to see how you built it!

  • Lagom%s's Photo

    Oh, Insane is just a mix of scenery and track from the Inverted Impulse and Vertical Drop coaster. Nothing special to be honest, and unfortunately it's not peepable :(

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    The exams are over... So work has started again on Piano Park! Veeery slowly I'm starting to get into RCT2 again. Building my own projects, and for the olympics.

  • Lagom%s's Photo
    Nice, Jappy. Hope to see some new screens soon.
    What does Piano Park look like from above?
  • Jappy%s's Photo

    Not that much at the moment :D The entrance square I've posted a couple of weeks ago (with some changes according to all the tips I got), plus one coaster and an unfinished flat ride in a new zone. But I hope to have that finished soon to a reasonable level so I can show a decent screen.

  • G Force%s's Photo



    Frontier: 100%
    Mediterranean: 98%
    Kids Area: 95%
    Asia: 95%
    America: 95%
    Africa: 90%
    Northern Europe: 90%
    Entrance: 75% (Will be redone)
    Surroundings: 45%
    Waterpark: (canceled)
    Overall: 85~90%
    Basically just some cleanup work and surroundings left.  Still debating how I'm going to approach the old entrance area and re-build it to save object space to allow for more surroundings and park content.  Might hold the park up a bit just for planning, basically have no inspiration or ideas for the space. Really happy with how the recent additions have pulled the park together, feel a lot more confident finishing it and being pleased with the final product. 
    Aiming for a release by the end of July, but mid August is probably more likely however due to the logo and object limitations...


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