RCT Discussion / Park Updates

  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo

    Think I can submit FUCK in a week or two. Not so much to do anymore.


    Very excited to see this wrapped up, though I hope the object/ride limits haven't handicapped it too much.

  • RWE%s's Photo

    Think I can submit FUCK in a week or two. Not so much to do anymore.


    Nice! Glad about that!

  • MCI%s's Photo

    Soo, I tried everything to make SpreePark vanilla rct2 compatible.

    But there has been a problem so it may be possible that I have to ditch that thought.

    I´ll try to fix it tomorrow, but no promises. Would be a shame though...

  • Maverix%s's Photo

    KnoxVegas... Close...

  • Lotte%s's Photo

    hypetrain... building...

  • Coupon%s's Photo

    kemah boardwalk - 40%

    coupsland- 1%

  • inthemanual%s's Photo
    Splashdown is at 99% and with a few testers.
  • Sulakke%s's Photo

    KnoxVegas... Close...

    Make sure to send it in after the Olympics, otherwise your team will have three parkmakers and becomes disqualified. :p

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    Make sure to send it in after the Olympics, otherwise your team will have three parkmakers and becomes disqualified. :p

    As long as voting concludes after May 19th, he's fine. Parkmaker status accrued after that date does not matter for Olympic teams.
  • G Force%s's Photo



    Frontier: 100%
    Mediterranean: 92%
    Africa: 90%
    America: 90%
    Asia: 88%
    Northern Europe: 85%
    Entrance: 75% (Will be redone)
    Kids Area: 10%
    Surroundings: 25%
    Waterpark: (canceled)
    Overall: 75~80%
    Still aiming for a late June or early July release.  Basically just down to motivation and when I hit the object limit.  I'm getting close now so its probably going to be a major roadblock and result in some cutbacks, likely around the old entrance and in the surroundings.
  • trav%s's Photo

    It's looking really good G Force. If you're looking for anyone to 'test' the park, I nominate myself ;)

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    So do I, great looking stuff!

  • SlayMeGaga%s's Photo

    I'm so excited for Worlds of Fun omg

  • F0ndue%s's Photo

    Project Tordenberg,  Year 175. 

    Attached Image: SCR12.png

    Progressing very slowly, but I am quite happy with the layouts (arguably I did cheat with the Intamin, and build in a small launch into the layout that I should be able to remove as soon as it runs at full capacity, but a coaster called Sleipnir with less or more than 7 inversions is stupid.)


    Attached Image: SCR11.png

    The supports for Ran are a lot of work, but it is worth it. I hope I don't hit the object limit with this project.


    B&M Invert, Vekoma Looper, Maurer Söhne/Gerstlauer Spinning and Zierer Kiddie to go, if my plans unfold correctly. 

    Gotta figure out how to build more than 4 stations with the parks railway system though. 





  • F0ndue%s's Photo

    Project Tordenberg,  Year 175. 

    Attached Image: SCR12.png

    Progressing very slowly, but I am quite happy with the layouts (arguably I did cheat with the Intamin, and built in a small launch into the layout that I should be able to remove as soon as it runs at full capacity, but a coaster called Sleipnir with less or more than 7 inversions is stupid.)


    Attached Image: SCR11.png

    The supports for Ran are a lot of work, but it is worth it. I hope I don't hit the object limit with this project.


    B&M Invert, Vekoma Looper, Maurer Söhne/Gerstlauer Spinning and Zierer Kiddie to go, if my plans unfold correctly. 

    Gotta figure out how to build more than 4 stations with the parks railway system though. 

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    those are some epic layouts


    even your water coaster is taller than the hyper in baker lake

    (although thats not saying much :p)

  • F0ndue%s's Photo

    Yeah, the scaling worries me quite a lot, I'm very bad at compact building. Which is problematic, since I am aiming for a somewhat realistic park, and due to the size the rides are very far spread out, and the I cannot put buildings everywhere to fill the void. So it will have a lot of foliage, which will just eat away my object capacity. Besides, since the whole thing is supposed to be a scandinavian setting (definitely vikings, maybe including a bit more of modern theming as well) I'm already fairly limited in what I can build. 

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    nah I really like it, the scaling is fine!

  • Dimi%s's Photo

    The layouts look great, don't worry about the scaling, and the park layout in general also looks very promising. Already year 175 though, how?! Anyway I'm really looking forward to seeing more!

  • Sulakke%s's Photo

    175 years for three layouts?! I wonder how many years will have passed when you have finished this. Maybe you should start building smaller projects. A design with one coaster for example. Good luck with this park though.


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