RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
Liampie Offline
'New' LL park: made 75% of a large area in just a couple of hours, started another one today with a kickass coaster. Architecture proved to be a problem here, though... I made a building that was literally too pretty for this park. Usually I build something and then try to make it prettier. I went through the same process backwards now, but sadly there was nothing I could do, so I tore it down. It's much uglier now!
Anyway, long overdue status report! I've barely touched RCT since Summer, but I'm getting more and more time on my hands... So much I don't even know what to do with it. Logically, I should finish all the parks that I have in progress. There are a few parks that are unsalvagable, and though it would damage my reputation as someone who finished everything, even if it takes ten years, I think I should just release these parks.
- 'New' LL park (in construction since Summer) - 40%
- The Twilight - 60% (will pick it up soon!)
- Seaquarium - 20% (will pick it up in a few months, I think)
- Budapleasure - 90% (hasn't moved in years, I'm determined to finish though)
- Japan - scheduled for unfinished release
- Tabhoorland (Lebanon) - scheduled for unfinished release
Giari Palms and the other LL group parks are special cases, as is De Bedriegertjes.
Lotte Offline
the park i commented about a few comments earlier is now a bit further, and i've come to a conclusion: it's a disney inspired park! only it will be called sidney park, anagram anagram anagram. right now i've got 3 coasters and 2 in place. here's a few areas i'll be working on
entrance 15%
mainstreet europe 20%
mining village 25%
jungle area 5% (just a lay-out of a coater, but a big one)
other parts will be added shortly, i'm aiming for a summer release
Louis! Offline
- Tabhoorland (Lebanon) - scheduled for unfinished release
This sounds interesting. Would quite like a look
Liampie Offline
It's mostly terrible, and has been a failure from the start, back in 2008. My last attempt at reviving it (2011 I guess) was not enough. Forever stuck and suck at 70%.
edit: old advertising and fiesta screens:
Looks worse in game because I didn't show the actual shit parts.
Faas Offline
You're releasing Japan unfinished? Maybe I can finish it for you? Or just maybe look what I can do with it?
Louis! Offline
Just finished an 'as close as you can get to a recreation' of Dragon Khan.
Now to work on the surroundings.
Liampie Offline
Weren't you working on a Metropolis-themed thing at some point a few years ago? I've seen the movie a while ago and I'm really curious to see how far you got. Probably not very far, as you've never shown any screens, but still.
][ntamin22 Offline
Architecture proved to be a problem here, though... I made a building that was literally too pretty for this park. Usually I build something and then try to make it prettier. I went through the same process backwards now, but sadly there was nothing I could do, so I tore it down. It's much uglier now!
I hope you saved the pretty version!
Liampie Offline
I know how I did it. I used a technique I stole from you, coincidentally. Remember that asan building posted many years ago, with the mine train roof?
][ntamin22 Offline
Of course, and when I went looking for the most recent save I realized my saves folder is totally overwhelming.
AvanineCommuter Offline
Just got a huge dose of inspiration and will start building again... hoping to get some new screens out by next week!
I guess it all depends on my midterms and how much I can get done to warrant some RCT2 time!
Xeccah Offline
NCSO park stands at around 25%, though if you'd ask rob he'd probably tell you less. i'm an rct optimist,, you know? other things: busch park with in:cities is at 15% due to the layouts being utter shit i have a couple of designs sitting at half-done as well -
inthemanual Offline
I'm likely on hiatus until summer hits. Work and school caught up to me, and I need to get several projects finished before I can play again. I'll have a huge surge of inspiration, and probably stream a lot when I return though.
Boardwalk is ~20%. -
][ntamin22 Offline
- Vermillion Escape glitch fixed, building has resumed with no progress lost!
- Valken submitted (been sitting in admin approval for four days?) Not the happiest with how it turned out, but I'd rather see it released than spend forever redoing what was originally a Christmas 2012 project.
- speaking of old, my most recent screen is from my reworked UQFTB giga. Moving quickly and hope to have it in the books as my second design submission this month.
I'm starting to think about how I want to submit the Vermillion trio. I think individually they'd all land a solid Gold, but might not make Spotlight. The issue isn't that I want to get three spotlights out of the project, (although I certainly wouldn't mind) it is that if I'm going to submit all three as a package that means waiting until everything is finished.
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