RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
CedarPoint6 Offline
Well disappointingly enough, my RCT computer has essentially crapped out. The screen is blank and is going to cost quite a bit to fix, so it's looking like I'm just going to try to buy a cheap laptop with XP on it. That said, I have no idea how long that will take, but hopefully I'll be able to recover SeaWorld and get on building with it whenever I get another computer. But for now, I suppose I'm taking an unwanted break. -
syndreamer Offline
Currently going through my old parks I've made and revamping it, with some of the inspiration I found on here. Not really too happy with the current submission score, but I understand why now. -
K0NG Offline
Dammit Louis.....I saw your name here as last post and actually hoped you had something (other than that TPR thing) going. Guess when you become admin here, you just devote yourself to criticizing everyone else and stop building anything real yourself.
Oh well. -
Louis! Offline
I do have something going, I have several things going.
I've also always been highly criticizing and a bitch so nothing new there.
But yes when you become admin I guess things do slow down as you are trying to keep everything running smoothly.
At this current time I've spent a good two hours or so working something out for the benefit of the forums and it's members, including you, so yes, RCT time does slow down a great deal. -
prodigy Offline
Well disappointingly enough, my RCT computer has essentially crapped out. The screen is blank and is going to cost quite a bit to fix, so it's looking like I'm just going to try to buy a cheap laptop with XP on it. That said, I have no idea how long that will take, but hopefully I'll be able to recover SeaWorld and get on building with it whenever I get another computer. But for now, I suppose I'm taking an unwanted break.
K0NG Offline
Since I completely re-loaded everything that is RCT2 and had no custom objects in my objdat folder for the first time that I can honestly remember...I thought that before I copied my Objdat folder to it's new location, I'd make myself a NCSO bench and start a NCSO project. Just to see what all the fuss is about.
"Tsunami" - 90%
New NCSO project - about 5% And, it's actually kind of fun to try to build without CSO's. Once. -
nin Offline
I knew you would come around one of these days, K0NG.
In other news I picked up a ncso park of mine after the heavy inspiration load released by my favorite theme park chain. -
K0NG Offline
Well, I'll try just about anything once. Plus, I figured I'd probably (hopefully) never have a default-only ObjData folder again so, it was pretty much now or never. And, I wanted something to build on while I'm dealing with this bench I'm working on. I'm still not a big NCSO fan...even if I come up with something awesome here. No matter how much fun it is to change the pace, I seriously miss being able to actually build what's in my head. -
highroll3r Offline
Tsunami 90%, fuck, how long have you been doing it? That was quick after Vulture.
As for me Millwood Lake is at about, 65%. Ive used two thirds of my object data though. Ill post an overview soon. -
Cena Offline
I knew you would come around one of these days, K0NG.
In other news I picked up a ncso park of mine after the heavy inspiration load released by my favorite theme park chain.
BelgianGuy Offline
thrill point WOA:
Entrance area: 95%
Medieval area: 100%
Western plains: 40%
Mexico: 40%
China: 50%
overall progress is somewhere around 60-65%
HRPB: 95% -
Airtime Offline
Well college has took over everything within days so my current project will be ages and the other one, even longer at this rate.
JDP nice to hear! Looking forward to both. -
Louis! Offline
^Haha wait until you CBA with college, then you'll find you have much more time on your hands -
Liampie Offline
Air and Nemesis are like the most horrible coasters to (semi-) recreate in RCT2! I have Eftel Towers back after over two months and now I don't know what to build. I hate this.
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