RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
tyandor Offline
8cars kan wel werken op Windows Vista hoor, je moet de UAC (gebruikers bescherming) uitzetten en jezelf als Admin rechten geven, verder tijdens RCT je thema op windows klassiek zetten, dan werkt elke 8Cars versie perfect.
Is Egas btw het oudste-nog-actieve-park waar aan gebouwd word of is Fantasy van Levis net wat ouder?
Succes Tyandor
En dankjewelWindows classic mode was genoeg om 8-cars goed aan de praat te krijgen (UAC en admin rechten had ik allang geregeld toen ik windows installeerde
Ik denk dat EGAS ietwat ouder is. Ik ben ongeveer begonnen met het park in july 2003, wat betekend dat het park nu ouder dan 8 jaar is. Het enige park wat ouder zou kunnen zijn denk ik is WDE van Corkscrewed, maar ik geloof niet dat we dat ooit gaan zien xD. -
inVersed Offline
remaining areas:
Cartoon Carnival ( previously last empty lot) - 40-50% overall
Wildwest area - 55%
Tech area - 45%
Aquaria Towers - 95%
The last lot has got it's purpose. Got loads of progress there. Most major rides are almost done. Most of the remaining work is in the 'front end' of the attractions a.k.a. connecting to the park. Still got a decent stretch to go though, but having the laptop with me on vacation (which is normally against my principles) helped majorly as the last lot went from zero to 50%. Problem is my laptop runs vista which means 8-cars doesn't really function (all versions), which annoys me and it means I can't finish some rides because I really need to be able to hack some stuff. Have to wait till I get back to my old computer with XP xD.
This is great news -
RCTNW Offline
When I have time, I'm just working on cleaning uup the maps for a larger main aerial. In addition, I've started work on a new map but it's taking off very slowly. -
rct2isboss Offline
Lets see.
Florenia Valley-66% waiting for someone to pm about taking the expansion pack objects out.
Titan-10% got the layout nailed, also waiting for supports
Solo-4% some of the entrance is ccompleted
Triopark-less than 1%, this park is going to win accolade -
Coupon Offline
^Never say that you are going to win, makes you sound liek you have a big ego. Lol.
-SFV 20%
-Design 10%
-Group Park 0% -
Hex Offline
"Mysterious Thrills" - Stopped working on it. Gave up. Sorry for all who worked on it.
"Crystal Creeks" - Waiting for it to be released.
Solo Design "Goliath" - 33% Layout, supports, station, queue, and a little foliage are done.
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