RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
That Guy Offline
Iola Amusements - Sad news, although it was inevitable. I am not canceling the project, but I am downsizing it. The map was far too big, and after working on it for almost a year, I feel very little progression. Next fall will be my first year in college, so I want to finish this up soon, that way I might have time for a design the rest of the summer.
I will be black-tiling 75% of what's currently there, leaving only the mine themed area, which of all the areas is the most inspired and complete. On the bright side, the park will be out much sooner.
Once the cut-down version is submitted, I'll put up the original map with all that unfinished crap. -
RamSam12 Offline
^ Glad to hear you're not canceling the park. Reminds me of what I did with Horsetooth, except that had everything spread over the entire map and no one part of the map with more notable work than the other. Unfortunately for that, downsizing wouldn't work like it did for you, so starting over would be easier. Since I brought this up, I've been planning version 2 of Horsetooth and hope to get a bench ready to start building on that soon. At this point now, I need another project so I don't burn out on just Elitch's. -
rK_ Offline
Got My Design at %95, I Should Drop it in for submission the end of this week if time permits. Im actually getting shit done, im liking this =) -
Liampie Offline
Theme park or generic park? Or a mix?Full-scale Solo # 2-- Planning
I guess we can have a 'race' again:
My next big thing - 4%
I'm pretty sure it'll be my best work. Imagine Piraña on a 150² map. -
robbie92 Offline
Theme park this time, and I'm not gonna have it be a race, since I plan on going nice and slow with this one. -
robbie92 Offline
I'm aiming for my most realistic work yet with this solo, but it'll be a themed park. The themes won't be 100% true-to-reality, but will be 100% true to theme park reality. I'm super pumped to start it, although I need to find a working mouse first. -
K0NG Offline
Besides, I'm pretty sure a cat would just bring home another non-working mouse. -
RCTNW Offline
Whats wrong with races. I happen to like them!Theme park this time, and I'm not gonna have it be a race, since I plan on going nice and slow with this one.
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