RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
tyandor Offline
remaining areas:
Last empty lot - 0%
Wildwest area - 50%
Tech area - 35%
Aquaria Towers - 99%
Not gonna do an overall % or release date as all know I screw that up again
Got nice progress on Wild West zone though -
K0NG Offline
"Idiocracy" DEATH MATCH project - canceled.
New DEATH MATCH project - about 50% as I've been busting ass like I've never busted ass before and I hope to have it presentable by the deadline. Even though I'm sticking to my guns with the submission manager thing being down. But, I know that if I don't bust serious ass and get something ready...it'll miraculously be functional. -
robbie92 Offline
Testing is done. All that I need is a readme and a working submission manager and my baby'll be ready to go out into the world. -
musicman Offline
This site is gonna be a madhouse a couple weeks after the submission manager comes back online. That's not necessarily that a bad thing though. -
Liampie Online
Voyager - done except for testing. If you want to be a tester sign up in its advertising topic! -
BelgianGuy Offline
Inyoni - Finished
Icarus (DM entry) - Finished
Jaguar (unnamed mini park) - 30%
Solo - planning stages
2designs at cena for fixing
Waiting for Geewhzz to start the newest project in this batch of wicked stuff
HRPB, 80-85% -
contradictionJaguar (unnamed mini park)
Project Force- 35%, maybe a little more.
(Wow BG, you've been busy!)(Gonna be submission overload after the submission manager opens again)
Metropole Offline
Tainted Morsels - 55%, not much progress as of late.
Solo - Planning Stages
Concept - Planning Stages, may or may not materialise. -
Maverix Offline
Oak Point Creek: 97%, just put in the last building tonight. All that's left is foliage, some technically stuff and getting the peeps in.
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