RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
K0NG Offline
You wanna rock, pretty boy?^dude you're in no spot to challenge someone to a death match since we all know what the turn out will be. nothing.
Luketh Offline
Let's see it happen, baby! I wanna watch me a DEATHMAAAATCH!
Barefoot Park - playing around with a Vekoma layout -
Kumba Offline
SoK - 80% - My main project atm and going well
Logos - 92% - Back in my hands and looking like it will be a Summer blockbuster!
Project Patriot - 5% - A duo design that will be old school and new school
Project ME - 36% - This is a 256x256 solo park that will totally take people by surprise
Bottom line is that this year natelox is going down faster than Lindsay Lohan when she gets back to jail -
Cocoa Offline
^holy crap at solo project! 36% too? wow.
I'm gonna be out of rct for a few weeks while i beat twilight princess. yaya -
BelgianGuy Offline
Icarus ready for submission
Inyoni: testers needed, I'm looking for 5 trustworthy tester that'll be honest and harsch if needed... -
Maverix Offline
BG: Great to hear man, and check your PM box
Oak Point Creek: 60% or so, hard to tell but it's making very steady progress. Also I recently passed my "no cancel zone" which is a point I reach in my parks where I won't let all the hard work I've put into it go to waste, so OPC will be finished as of now. -
tdub96 Offline
^good to hear, that park is looking great.
As for me, my Project Patriot design has been really fun to build. I'd say it's around 85%ish. I still have to redo some architecture that's not very good, bu the rest then is all foliage.
Then I have Cheseman's in the back for now, the next project is a revival of an old project of a friend -
Goliath123 Offline
Cyder Hill, 99%, just waiting for Levis to see if he can finish up some hacks for me -
robbie92 Offline
Sending this to testers either tomorrow or Monday, as well as hopefully to someone who can fix some issues I have with this and make the park run well with peeps.
Hopefully it can be submitted in a week or when the manager works.
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