RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
BelgianGuy Offline
Jaguar went back by 60% cuz of it turning into a park now so I'll have a lot more work on it then...
Other designs are on hold untill the issues with hacks going wrong are sorted. -
Sephiroth Offline
Current Experimental Project: After a positive response from my test screen in the dump-place, progress has continued (I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue as I am using this project to get a feel for serious building). ~18%.
My Dream Project: Planning. Still. I've been wanting to do this for over a year. 0%.
Both projects will be ncs and no hacking for various reasons (not for challenge, mind you). -
tdub96 Offline
Sent in a design attempt today. I'm pretty sure it won't win, but its nice to try and score some points getting my first competitive submission under my belt. -
Timothy Cross Offline
I may had gone off the deep-end, but I will never die, and RCT will always be a part of who I am. Thus, I've begun a new project (with a familiar name), influenced by a number of inspirations...
At the moment, a bit of study and research is on-going of perhaps the most talented human-being in world history, Leonardo da Vinci. I plan to engage in a bit of invention and technology myself..
Omni Center - planning.
+ -
K0NG Offline
^ Actually, I think he came up short and had a good amount of gray matter eaten.
Anyway...projects that I'm currently, actively building on:
Vulture (design+)......95%
Tidal Wave (design)....70%
Brand new, full scale solo (working name "K0NGLAND")...1%
I needed something to recharge myself and get the creative juices flowing since wrapping up Vulture has become rather tedious and boring and Tidal Wave involved the creation of the Intamin lift objects (that did, indeed, turn out to be quite glitchy...no matter how I re-aligned and tweaked them) that I pretty much gave up on. -
Timothy Cross Offline
^ Actually, I think he came up short and had a good amount of gray matter eaten.
Time to RCT you apart, neanderthal. -
K0NG Offline
Anytime, anyplace, anywhere, FreakshowiCo. I'd challenge you to a 'death match'...30 days, forum members choose what we have to build...but, I'd hate for you to have to apologize for that too.Time to RCT you apart, neanderthal.
JDP Offline
^dude you're in no spot to challenge someone to a death match since we all know what the turn out will be. nothing.
fatastico the meth head vs kong the procrastinator? no thanks.
-JDP -
robbie92 Offline
^^Having seen K0NG's latest stuff, you're in no position to call him a procrastinator and will probably eat your words in a short time from now.
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