RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
Cocoa Offline
switched back to rct2 today after a couple days of no inspiration for LL. back to my solo, I'd say around 15% which is actually pretty good and I'm very happy with what I have so far. and I've got some planning work going for a project that is going to be very different, one could almost say novel... -
BelgianGuy Offline
Oh well might aswel tell.
Inyoni: 98%
Pyroclast: 70%
Thor: 35% (on hold due to problems with mechanics)
Violet Vortex: 30% (on hold due to problems with mechanics)
Temple of the Jaguar: 60%
Thrill Point: World of Adventures at other player and getting progress. -
K0NG Offline
Hmmm, let's see........
*Vulture: 95%
*The Island of Dr. Von K0NGENSTEIN: 95%
*Tidal Wave: 90% (waiting on me figuring out exactly how to make these FUCKING catwalks).
New project stemming from "No I in Team" contest: 10%
Oh yeah, Indiana Jones and the Temple of WTF? (Monthly Micro Final entry with BG): 40-70% depending on how far we expand the map.
And a plethora of other in-progress/back burner/semi-abandoned projects that range anywhere from 5% to maybe 40-50%.
* and posix says I have problems with actually putting the finishing touches on things....hah -
BelgianGuy Offline
Inyoni: 99%
PyroClast: 100% ready for testers
Temple of the Jaguar: 65%
Thor: 35% with Cena for fixing
Violet Vortex: 30% with Cena for fixing
TWOA: still with Austin... -
Liampie Offline
I was working on some of my best LL to day... and then an error trapper appeared. Cloning banners is dangerous business! I'll try again tomorrow because I seem to be in the right mood.
Area 1: 92%
Area 2: 90%
Area 3: 20%
Area 4: 35%
Area 5: 0% -
Austin55 Offline
I can officially say now,
Duo w/ robbie, 1%
Plus working on Thrill Point with Belgianguy. -
tdub96 Offline
^any progress on LSA? or any of the other numerous projects you had going?I'm interested in a lot of those, and im anticipating an accolade from you soon
As for me:
Chesemans 65%
TPR contest entry 50ish% -
Austin55 Offline
^Not recently, Ive been on a huge lul/lack of inspiration lately, untill two or three days ago its been almost 30 days since I built anything proper. -
Cocoa Offline
another year where I haven't released anything awards worthy... sigh. better get my act together. -
Cena Offline
Pff, finished (to what my tasks were) with the hacks on Dreamport, I think that will be submitted very soon. Release Prep, start preparing a spotlight page and write-up -
Cocoa Offline
I have a decent amount of inspiration but I'm just too exhausted after school to do anything
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