RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
Liampie Offline
LL park: 30%
edit: Haha I didn't notice the doublepost because I didn't write this reply on the last page. -
Cocoa Offline
So I guess I'll give a little update about whats going on in my world.
Brushfire: nearing completion, just lazy and 8cars works very infrequently
Howl's Moving Castle: needs to get finished soon, but I've lost some inspiration and am too happy working on other things at the moment. its going to be hard without a reliable 8cars though, but I'll do my best.
Nightingale: was going fine until I picked up a different rct2 project. I suspect it will eventually get finished though, I've already spent a good amount of time on it and I'm not about to give up that layout, i just love it too much.
DisneyLL: going strong so far, just about completed the entrance and another area, but not quite. probably about 6 areas planned, including the entrance.
DisneyRCT2: also going strong, but slowly, I'm finding it hard to please myself, i have to get every building just right and I'm struggling. its based off of tokyo disneyland, but with my own little twists on things. I'm trying to figure out how I can justify having a yellow castle too, the pink and white are so overdone.
so yah, a lot on my plate. -
BelgianGuy Offline
hey Cocoa, what type of stuff you need with 8cars? otherwise I can help a little?
New solo: planning stages and making starting progress
Group Park1: 40%
Group Park2: 55%
Design: 30%
other stuff is being stopped till these are getting done^^ -
tdub96 Offline
Chesemans-4% (Fright Farm and Orchard done, still in SE, need to move on to park)
Would I be able to use my contest entry for a design submission? (it will have been released on another site, that why im asking) -
Cocoa Offline
for brushfire I need a merge, and some zero clearencing work. actually, i got a good part of the stuff I had to do on my own done before it screwed, basically i would just need path clearenced on where it is missing, and some supports clearenced in. and probably some other little things I forgot. so yah, I would love some help! -
Austin55 Offline
SFLSA-75$ Looking good!
BGSTL/BGA-Well, this park is dead. Im killing it. Why you ask? because Ive never been to a real busch park, and at the point I'm at I dont think Im talented enough.
Seaworld-15% Made major progress this weekend, and the big parts are coming together and Im getting excited for this one now.
Kings Acres-still SBNO
Contest stuff, in planning.
I have started work on a new park to take the place of of KA and BG, I wont say what it is but I love the concept and it's fitting my style very well, and Im having a blast. I have spotlight hopes for itlook for it to hit the AD soon!!
Comet Offline
Started a 120*120...but during my third save game, after about another three hours of progress, my computer rebooted for an update
So I'm kind of discouraged for now but I'll get back into it in a couple of weeks probably
I'm confident I'll get it done one day, it's really different than what I've previously released, and I was enjoying it -
That Guy Offline
Iola Amusements - Almost ready for topic, can't wait to start posting screens again. -
Cocoa Offline
honestly I'm a little surprised with myself. howl's moving castle is finally nearing completion, following a brief stint with a working 8-cars that hopefully might persist -
BelgianGuy Offline
both of you schould get a computer that's running on win XP if you're having trouble with it, I had the same issues with 8cars in vista and windows 7, XP solved my problems and never had any issues with 8cars again... -
prodigy Offline
It's XP, the problem is just since 3 days, but it's not getting away. Looks like SoB damaged a RCT2 DLL that only sets one function of 8cars 1.32 out of order, namely the "make ride invisible (permanent)" function...
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