RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
nin Online
Yes, it does take a while. Usually much trial and error, looking at references (pictures, actually being there, etc.) and just experimentation, though sometimes you get lucky.How do you guys do custom supports so well? Does it take as much time as im taking (my first real attempt)? Any tips, suggestions, tutorials, cuz this is the most painful part of this game.
deanosrs Offline
^ playing recently is the first time I've had to use custom supports the toon way. I love the result but despise the process. If you put them in too late, with objects and paths on the ground, you can't see which square you're working on, there's always one angle from which they look shit, you have to build them from the track down and the ground up (to have consistency in the height of the footers) and somehow get them to meet in the middle... arrrgghhh! I might actually build a wooden coaster even though I am not a fan (not really any great ones in England?... haven't been to Wales for Megafobia yet before someone mentions it!)
My park which may have a name but not sure yet, is about 20% done. I won't post screens until at least 70-80%, and when I do there won't be that many. I think people over advertise parks, either too much or only the best bits, so the actual release is something of a non event. Just my opinion and one I'm certainly guilty of in the past. -
J K Offline
So glad you're building again. Just looking at the parks you've built in the past tells me we have some good future releases from you. Now us Brits just need Metropole, RCTFAN, X250 building again and we'd be unstoppable. -
Coaster Ed Offline
Targeted releases for 2010:
Logos 90% - Maybe late October - Very hard to build on, Xcoaster is a though act to follow!
Ah, so this map is still going then! Looks like you'll probably beat me and WME too. I'd estimate Project CLR (still in search of a final title) is about 70% done at this point but it's tough to estimate because lately we've been expanding the scope of the project faster than we've been getting stuff done. The map is mostly full already, but we're building the city section of it up vertically rather than horizontally now so it's basically only done when we're happy with the final look of it. I was originally thinking it might be done by the end of November. Now I'm thinking the end of December is more realistic, but I'm still hoping it'll be out before the end of 2010. -
Austin55 Offline
Major Solo's.
Six Flags: Lone Star Adventures-80%, Hopefully to be released this year! pretty pumped to get a major release.
Busch Gardens St. Louis-15-20%, going great, but this thing is huge, done be suprised if release isnt till 12'
Kings Acres- SBNO
Seaworld-Coming along Nicely, having alot of fun, but only maybe 10%
Duo 1, going good
Duo 2, not going anywhere yet (sorry louis!)
SChembri Springs Rehibilitation project-kindoff going? lol.
Design 1-10-15%
Ahh I have so many unfineshed micro's, they all suck.
Making Turtles for Nin-0% -
Dotrobot Offline
Major Solo's.
Six Flags: Lone Star Adventures-80%, Hopefully to be released this year! pretty pumped to get a major release.
Busch Gardens St. Louis-15-20%, going great, but this thing is huge, done be suprised if release isnt till 12'
Kings Acres- SBNO
Seaworld-Coming along Nicely, having alot of fun, but only maybe 10%
Duo 1, going good
Duo 2, not going anywhere yet (sorry louis!)
SChembri Springs Rehibilitation project-kindoff going? lol.
Design 1-10-15%
Ahh I have so many unfineshed micro's, they all suck.
Making Turtles for Nin-0%
Haha.. I see your following the motive. Damn all the other players. My work is MORE IMPORTANT! -
Austin55 Offline
^Haha, I was just telling someone on MSN my goal before I quit RCT for good is to try and do atleast one park from every major chain -
djbrcace1234 Offline
Haha.. I see your following the motive. Damn all the other players. My work is MORE IMPORTANT!
Well there goes my Idea
Nah, I'm still going to try and do that anyways!
My Only project right now should be realeased sometime in December. I hope. -
FK+Coastermind Offline
never been one for percentages so ill just say im working
Arabic Inspired Design
uQFTB runoff Design
Fantasy Dive-Machine Design
and ofcourse my uQFTB Finals Dueling Coasters
feels good to be consistently building again....
FK -
Insanity Offline
haha, its funny, because even though school has started, I've had WAAAAY more time to work on rct2 (minimum of 3 hrs a day)
But anyways, I have found a way to make "invisible" support blockers with no hacks or custom scenery and it only takes 10 seconds unless you are working on a hilly terrain *hint hint*
And being able to do practically anything with map object manipulation, and merging, Which are the only hacks i use now in general.
Hopefully what I'm working on will score a silver, but I'm not quite sure it'll appeal to everyone because somethings just need explanations... -
J K Offline
Project Re-invention - 85%
Dreamport - 85% (probably staying here for a while whilst I pursue other small projects) -
Jaguar Offline
Paradox: Realms of Time: 60%
Corrosion 2: Extinction: Still in planning
Imaginary World, My progress: 3%
NCSO Project: 10%
I hope it has a good walkthrough. -
J K Offline
Yeah I didn't remember I was this fast but I started the project on the 19th of August, got a layout done then didn't touch it till a week ago then all of a sudden just built like I used to. Such a nice relief from a full scale. Hopefully will be submitting it in the next few days. -
deanosrs Offline
^ Looking forward to it!
I'm relatively freaked out at the moment. I built some pretty ridiculous (ridiculous, as in, probably would never be built in real life, but then I've never considered myself a realistic park maker!) duelling inverts, finishing the basic layout about a week or so ago, in the far corner of my park.
Initially I intended them as a kind of insane nemesis dueler, but I really want to move away from the Tussauds thing (I'd love to do a full scale Tussauds rec at some point, just not now) so I just tagged them with the name "Unleashed", because that's pretty much what happens to the trains when they leave the station.
After I coloured them, and watched an episode last night, I thought I might theme them to the TV show Fringe which I think is pretty damn awesome. Then I thought... what particularly from Fringe? I instantly thought of another episode where one of Walter's old buddies blends 4 animals or something to create some super chimera thing that goes and lives in the sewers. That's perfect I thought! Then I looked up the episode on a fringe wiki and found the name of that episode... it's called "Unleashed"! Freaked!
So keeping the name Unleashed and adding a colon and the names of two of the animals that go into the chimera to each ride. I'm just downloading the episode to work out what the animals were, but I'm pretty sure they included Lizard, Wasp and Bat.
Apart from that... I have 3 other coasters with finished layouts, and one area at about 80%. The hotel's at about 40%, and I've made a theming start in a couple of other areas. Over half of the map is still untouched apart from me marking out what areas are going to be where. But it's only been going for under a month now so I'm happy with progress so far. -
Dotrobot Offline
Lone Star Gardens-0.005% done?? Hurry up yocoaster and send it back to me..
I'm RCTless and sad ):
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