RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
Louis! Offline
Small solo submitted. Take that Louis...
Whats with all this rivalry rob?
j/k you're going down bitch -
Cocoa Offline
holy shit! theres no way I can compete with this productivity! it takes me months to finish 1 design! -
][ntamin22 Offline
you can do it cocoa
I believe in yooooouuuu
I'm moving along at what is for me a brisk jog on about five things at once. gotta make sure I have good screen-able areas to show off now that I've made a topic saying I will
if I had to guesstimate I'd say you'll see half of my 8 current projects before christmas. -
Airtime Offline
^Looking forward to seeing some of those 8 you got going on
Project Funshine: planning and layouts are done need to refine one or two things though
Project "V" has kinda stalled. It'll be finished eventually... -
Fizzix Offline
New Solo: 15%
Design: 87%
I would've submitted the design a while ago, but I just got bored with it. No peeps running around made it quiet, too quiet. You'll see it soon enough, though. -
BelgianGuy Offline
DUDE, where do you get the time for all those projects man...
thats sick, but in a good way^^ -
Kumba Offline
Targeted releases for 2010:
Logos 90% - Maybe late October - Very hard to build on, Xcoaster is a though act to follow!
SoK 2% - Mid November - Take a wild guess what this is... Could hit the AD soon.
MM Championship entry 3% - End of the year - This is gona be fun
Future projects:
Duo with Fatha' 35% - No rush on this. Might see a new AD topic for it before to long. Slim chance it could be done in 2010. Just happy Fatha did a little themeing before he lost his disk.
DRC2 0.7% - Sadly I have not really even though about this in a few months. Might not see a finished solo from me for a few years...
Also have a guest spot and some small side projects id like to keep secret for now. Tho one will be released in a few days -
tdub96 Offline
^^DRC2...OMFG...im pumped, as i am for all the other stuff too. Sounds like logos is gonna be sick.
As for me:
Proj Blast Off is about 90%, its a re-creation, not a great one, but its something I'm sortof proudof. haha. All thats left is the stupid custom supports. yay.
Six Flags park: Um, no progress other than a few thoughts.
Blackpool inspired park: No progress since my last post in here, well get going again after Blast Off is done.
Also, I'm thinking about starting a series of designs that might help me improve my game. Im thinking of a Superman ROS layout, but not a recreation, as well as an I305 inspired Intamin coaster, a Mega-Lite, and possibly a GCI. Just an idea, and if anyone is interested in a possible realistic duo or wants to help with any of these projects, let me know (pm preferibly). -
verti Offline
SoK 2% - Mid November - Take a wild guess what this is... Could hit the AD soon.
Son Of Kumba, the spin-off coaster? -
robbie92 Offline
SFSF: I just need one more coaster in place and I need to finish off the back 40% of the park, which will be quicker, as it's less dense than the front half. My one big obstacle in this park will be the backstage areas and supporting some of the larger coasters, but it's moved pretty quickly in construction and planning these past few days. I might be able to have this complete by the end of the year if it continues at this rate.
60-65% or so -
tdub96 Offline
How do you guys do custom supports so well? Does it take as much time as im taking (my first real attempt)? Any tips, suggestions, tutorials, cuz this is the most painful part of this game. -
B&Man Offline
Recreation Design (Dang Kumba has started quite a trend): Planning stages/object selection
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