RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
Liampie Offline
Lost Tours, Through the Ages, and possibly other LL surprises too: I'm sure Loopy is working on something. Roomie can finish a park in a matter of months. OZONE isn't done yet either. And what about the LL collabo forum?
Eyeamthu was working on a park too. Robbie has a couple of good parks going on. There's so much going on... -
robbie92 Offline
What Cena, no SFSF?
J/K. I honestly don't really expect he park to win spotlight at this point. It's pretty basic compared to anything CP6, SF, or J K has ever done. -
MF72 Offline
RCT3 Park: ~1%
Spent about 2+ hours on it the other day and didn't really manage to get much done. -
Cena Offline
What Cena, no SFSF?
J/K. I honestly don't really expect he park to win spotlight at this point. It's pretty basic compared to anything CP6, SF, or J K has ever done.
There are so many spotlight candidates that it is hard to keep up with them, but SFSF certainly is a candidate as well. -
BelgianGuy Offline
Seaworld Adventure Bay is sitting at a solid 60% atm so expect it at the end of summer...
Oh and I think we'll see a few spotlights this year tbh there are so many good builders and they all have the potential to get spotlight imo, wasn't Geewhzz working on a huge park aswell? -
Cena Offline
wasn't Geewhzz working on a huge park aswell?
There are rumours but nothing has been confirmed with screens on the board, so I think it is just a myth. -
Dark_Horse Offline
I don't know if gee or his guest builders would appreciate me showing a screen of it without their permission, but one of the guest builders did send me a screen a while ago. If he knows who he is (which he really should), then he could post it/verify that I received a screen from it. If you don't believe me, then fine; I don't want gee and posix coming in here and throwing the topic into lockdown. -
Louis! Offline
christ people havent the previous locked topics taught you lot anything? stop fucking bickering like little school girls.
anyways, my park is going suprisingly well, not going to advertise it though, just screens in the dump -
robbie92 Offline
^^Dark_Horse, I don't think gee or his guest builder(s) would appreciate if you post a screen yet, as I'm sure that they would prefer to release screens on their own. That's just my opinion though... -
JDP Offline
dont post anything dark horse. that aint your work to show and you're just letting cena get the best of you.
besides why does everyone insist that they need to know who's doing what? chill the fuck down
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