RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
Cena Offline
I will write a tutorial about it and explain everything in it, just be patient for a little bit longerOk that's a good enough solution for me. Where can I get the program?
Casimir Offline
looks pretty nice!
I'm curious to see how you managed to get it right, still having trouble with the ride edit function >__> -
Liampie Offline
I made a things-to-do-checklist for Blykak. I've been stuck on 95-97% for too long now. I hope this will speed up the progress! One more week till my final examens, hopefully I can finish before that, otherwise the park will be delayed a few weeks again. -
Luketh Offline
*double takes*
Wait, woah, didn't you just do that a few weeks ago?!
Duo: Planning.Edited by Luketh, 09 May 2010 - 06:27 PM.
Dark_Horse Offline
Design: ~70% almost done with support work.
Project Starbird
-Hotel Boulevard Map: ~2-5%
-All other maps: being replanned -
MF72 Offline
Well, after seeing that Doomsday guy post his park in the PTRYPL, I've decided to start my own No-CS park. Expect to see that here in about 3 years.
Also, I have another RCT3 park planned (I know, I said I wasn't playing RCT ever again, but it's just not possible) and I hope this one gets off the ground. I also hope it gets some recognition like OGA did, but that's up to you guys. -
tdub96 Offline
^^^^holy sh!#, Robbie! youre a machine! I cant wait to see this one...how bout a teaser in the dump? -
Cocoa Offline
I'm just about done with my micro, and might I add its definitely my best work to date.
Its called Disney's Barachois Retreat (but thats a work in progress). -
Liampie Offline
So you're over 100%?Verschollen - continueing
I'm just about done with my micro, and might I add its definitely my best work to date.
New work by Cocoa? Best work by Cocoa!? Nice! -
CedarPoint6 Offline
I don't like doing percentages complete, but I think I can pretty confidently say that SFC is at least 95% complete. And it feels really nice.
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