RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
Six Frags Offline
That was a pretty helpful reply K0NG, especially "I think sometimes there's a reason you did things a certain way originally that can't be improved on in a vain attempt to 'perfect' it." helped me out. I agree that when you built something in the past you did it for a reason and there really is no need to keep on changing it..In my experiences that "aim for perfection" is a killer. I know that I've missed at least three Road Rally deadlines trying to 'perfect' my entry and afterward I've wondered what the FUCK I was thinking when I looked at previous saves compared to the unfinished mess that I currently had.
I think sometimes there's a reason you did things a certain way originally that can't be improved on in a vain attempt to 'perfect' it.
Just the opinion of someone that's missed deadlines and never released anything here because of his aim for perfection.
I think I now have a pretty final version of the park. Went through all 4 views tonight to check for bad spots or missing objects, and I just have enough of it all.Especially the map data limit and error trappers freak me out. Almost got a heart attack though when I used 8cars and SoB to reset the date and things, when suddenly the whole file got corrupted and when I wanted to open it I got an error trapper. Luckily I save often AND (more importantly) on different .sv6's, so another version was almost identical and only got like 3 minutes of work lost.. So I can't say this enough, and it's probably my best advice to everyone taking on a large full solo project, to save often and on different .sv6's...
I hope to get the park guide finished tomorrow, and maybe send it in in the evening
SF -
][ntamin22 Offline
i'm doing a wierd assortment of things, both in LL and in RCT2. expect nothing soon.
most honest / realistic reply ever -
Gwazi Offline
no, this is:most honest / realistic reply ever
i'm not building anything right now. don't expect me to start anytime soon either. -
zodiac Offline
haven't started up RCT2 in a while. but hey, i have a four-day weekend, we'll see how things go. -
Kumba Offline
V-Key - ??.?
Logos - 87.3%
Design with Fatha' - 24.8%
Kumba Re-Creation - 27.8% (and stuck on my 'dead' PC... wont be long if I can get it off there...)
Planned Micro Duo - 01.3%
Planned Micro - 00.0%
Slightly Planned Design - 00.0%
Also working on 4 collabos that I dare not speak off... -
tdub96 Offline
^ cant wait to see Logos and the Fatha' collabo, i think the combination of you to will produce something legendary. -
dr dirt Offline
I've started a new park, and I'm getting pretty excited about it. That's all I'm working on now. -
Cena Offline
^ cant wait to see Logos and the Fatha' collabo, i think the combination of you to will produce something legendary.
A Legend who makes himself a bigger legend? Wow, that's impressive -
RCTNW Offline
Took a couple of months to recharge the batteries and to move to our new home. Now that things are starting to get back to normal, I've started to build again. Right now, I'm only working on HOA however I have started the planning for the next couple of maps. I'm also thinking of outsourcing a couple of maps which would help get the project back on track. Still need to think about it a bit more though. -
Cocoa Offline
I used a bit of self-discipline and started working on bga again, I had so many plans for it that it was a shame to put it on hold... -
CedarPoint6 Offline
I hit the object limit a few more times, but I'm able to save enough objects in other places to keep on building. This is the first time I've gotten to build in probably about a month. I'm finally getting the waterpark finished and working as well as adding the details there that I've been missing. So hopefully I can free up enough objects to black out the map outside of the park (which is unfortunately a large amount).
Maybe I'll post an update soon. -
Timothy Cross Offline
I've decided to post my future plans here at this site. I won't create a thread for it so I'm using this topic as I felt it was best suited for it. After this, you won't see me post much on the boards unless it's to advertise or release work. Here is the 4-1-1:
- ScYence=A project series using various forms of multi-media along with RCT2 & 3. These projects will be artistic statements, while presented as parks, movies or other forms of media. For the moment, I'll keep the actual concept and subject matter quiet.
- Earth Child (RCT3)=Very early planning stages. Don't expect anything very soon. I won't jump the gun on this one. All I will say at the moment is I hope to finally show RCT3's true potential rather than barking about it as I have the past couple years. It'll take advantage of every capability of the game.
- RCT2= During breaks or times of boredom, I will have side projects in RCT2. These are to be more along the lines of actual/ traditional parks.
- Posting (lol)= I don't plan on posting much anymore, just working. So expect anymore of my humor/insanity.
Wow, include real life with all that and it looks like I'll be busy for a while...
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