RCT Discussion / Park Updates
24-January 04
JDP Offline
^Tell me about it. I don't know how people can work on parks for so long only to never finish or release them.
-JDP -
Louis! Offline
So RCT2 is broken. I can only view RCT2 parks from now on.
So WDS is stuck at around 50% and wont get any further. -
Louis! Offline
Ever. And I know because I'm not bothered about RCT2 not working and wont be playing RCT2 again. So unless I get someone to take it off my hands then it wont get any further. -
Timothy Cross Offline
^ Are you gonna him to marry you?
Get it? 'Cause you're gay and you said purpos/ nevermind. I'm drunk.
Goodnight. -
Louis! Offline
I was kinda expecting that. I'm actually suprised someone said that so long after I posted. -
robbie92 Offline
Design: Sent to CP6 for some hacks and bug-fixin's, and should get it back to fix small details this weekend, and hopefully have it submitted by Sunday night! -
CedarPoint6 Offline
It really is quite a nice design. Just sent it back to Robbie to put the final details and send it in.
In other news: other projects are out of the way so I can get back to building on SFC.. finally. -
CedarPoint6 Offline
I don't think we're able to release anything until after the judging stuff happens, but I do intend to release it at that point! With the time limits, it's not as fully completed as I'd like, but I'm still pretty proud of it!
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