RCT Discussion / Park Updates

  • RRP%s's Photo
    Well after my short break from rct and the community ive come back to realise that only about 3 parkmakers are actually building parks now (or just keeping it quiet).I used to have parks that i looked forward to seeing complete but since everyone is now scared to advertise the ads district is the place i now visit the least.

    And what have i missed?Well the answer is nothing apart from about 2 updates from toon.....

    So come on spill the beans on what your working on if anything and maybe we can bring a bit of life back to the ads district.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I released a screen a while ago. It's disappeared now though. Erm, so yeah. I'm going well and should be finished soon because i'm really enjoying this last bit.
  • jon%s's Photo
    Busch Gardens Seville. That is all.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    ^ Um, I believe RRP was referring to parks that are made by more experienced parkmakers...
  • Scarface%s's Photo
    mine is being advertised
  • Janus%s's Photo
    I think there are quite a lot of parkmaker parks being advertised now.
    Corkscrewed's WDE, Scarface's IOA-whatever, Toon's IOA, Prince Ashitaka's Project: Ownage, Mantis' WOMB, Aero21's Disney, Foozy's whatever, Butterfinger's Avalon Pier, Meretrix's Phantasia are all somewhere in the latest 5 pages of the Ad. District.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    ^ well, adam's universal park is of course part of ure's 5 mapper...
  • mantis%s's Photo

    Aero21: Walt Disney's Disneyland Utopia is going very well.

    Butterfinger: Avalon Pier was his first advertisement ever.

    Coaster Ed: been busy, but has about 20,000,000,000 things going?

    Corky: Walt Disney Escape is still going, albeit at evolution-pace.

    Evil WME: Just released Candlelight Times, and is probably working in secret.

    Fatha': Advertised Ports of Call but that doesn't look like it'll be finished, so I guess we wait for whatever he comes up with next.

    Fooz: Is still Stepping Out Of The Shadows.

    Gutterflower: God knows! Hasn't advertised for quite a while, but had a few parks and a few coasters going.

    Iris: SLR seems to have fallen through

    Mala: hehe, PT soon.

    mantis: womb is getting close.

    Meretrix: Phantasia was restarted and looks even better than before.

    Mortician: RCT Revival. What I want to know is...WHERE IS CRYPTO?

    Natelox: Project Warchild Screen - he said this would be released in the early part of this year.

    Posix: Just made Machete and probably has a solo going (apart from NSpheres which looks like it's been dropped).

    Prince Ashitaka: Project Ownage got a very good reception in the Ad. District just recently. Looks great.

    PyroPenguin: seems to have fallen off the face of this earth. Didn't even respond to my Birthday PM :(

    RRP: you tell us :p

    Scarface: his IOA park is now part of voodoo's URE project.

    Toon: Recently released a screen of Lost Continent in his IOA park, including 1/4 tile land scenery, which i'm surprised hasn't caused a bloody enormous stir in the community.

    Twisted: Released The Demons a while ago - this park should be going along nicely.

    vTd: retired

    x-sector: AWOL. He's sorely missed :(

    Other Popular Park Threads:

    Busch Gardens South America - Nemesis Chris
    In The Making - Phatage
    hi^^ - pooolk+various crazy people
    Universal Resort Europe - voodoo
    Tussaud's Port Haven - deano
    Nascar Experience - RCTNW
    Hollow Crest Amusement Park - RaoulXpres
    Bayfront Park - Kumba
    Click Here - RedBrain+various crazy people
    South Beach - rwadams
    Walt Disney's Home Town Adventure - rctfan
    Walt-Mart - RCTI
    Disneyland Park - Mad Dawg
    Project Nightwolf - madhollander (complete)
    Middle Earth - leighx
    Alameda Bay - steve
    New Solo - d4rkj4nu5
    Universal's Paradise Lagoon - adix
    Minnesota's Great Adventure - corkscrew
    Civilisations - aeroglobe
    New Park - turtle

    (that's as far back as i'm going!)
    Just for reference's sake!
  • sloB%s's Photo
    I'm surprised you didn't mention is mantis :'( but SDI also has a European themed park in the making:

  • artist%s's Photo
    Yeah BGSA has been in the Ad district for quite awhile i show screens like every 2weeks or something.

  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo
    Looked right over by the community again.. :'(
  • mantis%s's Photo
    You people are so up your own arses :D I went through the top few pages and picked out all the topics with 3 or more pages. Sorry if I missed yours, i'll add it if it's so fucking important.

    The bit that's important for this TOPIC is the parkmaker's bit. It shows that people are doing things, just there isn't much attention around the place.
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Yes, hmm. I have a habit of taking long breaks every time I complete a project. I do have a ton of things going on right now but none of them are RCT. After a couple months away from RCT though I start getting really excited about building again so I'm finishing my LOS section right now, and waiting for Park Wars to get started. I can only manage one project at a time so Project Green Thumb is on hold but will definately be completed eventually. I can't guarantee anything else at the moment.
  • Drew%s's Photo
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    Where is my park. Asshole.
  • sloB%s's Photo
    I was wondering the same thing.

    But, seriously, I want to see this park, QOTSA.
  • x-sector%s's Photo
    1. I'm working on 5HiNE which should be finished very soon.

    2. I have been working on a RCT2 park Which I have changed so much plus I'm not sure if i like it, its to boring imo (meaning its a bit traditional. I was focusing on landscaping more) so I might release this now unfinished tell me what you think.

    3. I have plans for a new park to do but not sure what to do it in RCT2 or 1
  • Evil WME%s's Photo

    mantis, on Jan 24 2004, 05:29 PM, said:

    Evil WME: Just released Candlelight Times, and is probably working in secret.

    shhh! :devil:
  • Fatha'%s's Photo
    I am idle at the moment.


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