Music Forum / My demo got released by a label!
26-March 17
Lilith Offline
My boy Ethiopian making it big. Try not to forget about the little guys while you're living the star life.
Seriously though, congratulations! -
SensualEthiopianPolice Offline
Thanks, if I do make it big, I'll be sure to mention you in the biopic
SensualEthiopianPolice Offline
If you're interested, I've been trying to promote the album, so here's the band's twitter
SensualEthiopianPolice Offline
Okay, in a weird twist, my album by got reviewed but I am losing my mind trying to figure out if he likes the album or not https://yeahiknowits.../togoland-taxi/
SensualEthiopianPolice Offline
Okay, last one, courtesy of Harsh Noise Movement http://harshnoisemov...bum/harsh-noise
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