Contests / New Element Design Challenge 4
12-March 17
G Force Offline
-logo by ][ntamin22-
The results are in! Entries will be released in batches, starting at the bottom and ending in the big reveal of the NEDC4 Winner!
Follow along for the latest releases and ]['s notes on each entry by jumping to the release batch posts here:
Entries 15-12
Entries 11-8
A layout made by Louis! is supplied below in .TD6 format. Your task is to develop it into a design entry. What you are being tested on are not your layout making skills, but your ability to set one in scene. This may be done by going all out and producing a fully blown theme in a realistic or fantasy style, or perhaps giving the coaster its natural environment and surroundings it would have in a park that does not invest in state of the art theming. How you decide to develop the layout is completely up to you.
Submission deadline
DEADLINE: Monday April 17th, 2017 8:00 GMT, 3:00 EST, 0:00 PST
Please submit your entry as a competitive design submission, including Louis! as a builder alongside you. Please add [NEDC4] at the end of your submission's name so that we can differentiate from normal submissions.
The timestamp of your submission will be reported by the database which will tell us whether you have met the deadline or not. Please be aware that there will be absolutely no exceptions given, even if you are only a second late. It is your responsibility to submit on time and to allow for potential problems that may delay your submission.
1. Any modifications to the track, such as break speed/arrangement, station format(dummy station etc...), must be cleared by an Admin. Please send you questions to Liampie, Louis!, G_Force, or ][ntamin22 with both a .sv6 and a screenshot. Any changes not cleared by the admin team will result in automatic disqualification. Any other track modifications are not allowed and will result in automatic disqualification, no exceptions. So if you have a concern, check with us before making any changes.
2. No TT/WW objects are allowed, any entry including these objects will result in disqualification.
3. Coaster trains can be changed, but only to .dats that include all the sprites necessary for the elements of the layout. So no Wooden coaster, Lay-down coaster trains, etc... If you are worried about your train choice being legal, please check with the admin team before submission.
Winner Selection and Release
Each submission will be voted on by the panel using a private sub-form, which is necessary for the maps to be released with scores already assigned. Please bear with us here, we need to take a very odd route in order to get this done correctly, so we ask for cooperation among the panelist and understanding from the contestants.
More details will be provided once the deadline comes closer, and additional information will be provided to the panel upon the creation of the private sub-forum.
When voting is complete, the highest scoring entry will be chosen as the winner, and given the prestigious NE Design accolade (if the 65% standard is hit). Any additional entries that hit the 65% threshold will also be awarded the Design accolade. All other entries will then be released as a non-competitive multi-mapper group park, where each map is one entry.
It has been a surprisingly complicated decision-making process, but we feel the best compromise is this: After the (newly-extended) contest deadline, designs using the unmodified NEDC4 contest layout will be accepted for up to one month as NON-COMPETITIVE submissions. Beyond one month after contest end, submissions using the unmodified NEDC4 contest layout will not be accepted. Submissions that use a version of the layout that is sufficiently modified to have strong differences will be accepted in either competitive or non-comp categories with no restrictions.
You are free to post as many screenshots of your entry as you like. However, be aware that not showing any screens would, in theory, make a bigger impression on the panelists and effectively produce more wow-factor.
So good luck, and have fun!
NEDC4-Louis!.zip (442bytes)
downloads: 61Important: OpenRCT2 zero clearance must be enabled to place the layout.
Steve Offline
Might try to submit something for this. Is there a set bench? Not seeing anything in the rules for it.
Also, I feel like I've seen this layout before. Still, it's pretty nice. I reckon we will see a lot of realistic settings for this contest. Good luck everyone! -
chorkiel Offline
Haven't checked if it's possible with the layout, but are we allowed to recreate it in LL?
Austin55 Offline
Is anyone else having issues plopping the layout? Even with ZC turned on, when I click nothing happens, the ride menu opens but it doesn't exist and the ride doesn't show up. Nothing does, not even in the menu. Usually I seethis happen in vanilla when a ride hits itself in ZC turned on. IDK if its a huge issue, could just rebuilding it by hand myself or something.
G Force Offline
Haven't checked if it's possible with the layout, but are we allowed to recreate it in LL?
There are some gradual traditions, so probably not completely, you could always do the steep-shallow-flat transitions to replicate them though, but it might not line up perfectly. If you want to try to re-create the layout in LL go ahead, but please check with us just to be sure it checks out.
G Force Offline
Is anyone else having issues plopping the layout? Even with ZC turned on, when I click nothing happens, the ride menu opens but it doesn't exist and the ride doesn't show up. Nothing does, not even in the menu. Usually I seethis happen in vanilla when a ride hits itself in ZC turned on. IDK if its a huge issue, could just rebuilding it by hand myself or something.
Do you have the latest version of ORCT? I've tried it a few times and it should work alright, if not then try to update to the newest version.
If you want to go ahead and re-build the layout that is fine, just PM us with a screenshot of the coaster and the stats to make sure its the same.
Royr Offline
This will be fun!
Btw. is there anyone who's checking the official NE-Email? (
G Force Offline
This will be fun!
Btw. is there anyone who's checking the official NE-Email? (
I don't think that's been used in the last 6 or 7 years?
Dr_Dude Offline
the first thing i ever did on this site was send an email to Kumba because I didn't know about the drexler patch and I didn't know there was a forum
FredD Offline
Looking forward to this! Have to say one month is not a lot of time, unless the goal is just to receive ultra-realistic submissions which this lay-out is perfectly made for.
I have a great idea for this. Hope I can get it done in time! I assume we may add as much extra rides as we want? Including extra roller coasters? -
G Force Offline
Extra coasters area allowed, but the Floorless layout MUST be the unquestionable focus of the map. So no dual designs or things like that.
Considering the four week deadline, NEDC1 had only a 3 week deadline, NEDC2 was also about 4 weeks but had no layout supplied. With OpenRCT I think that 4 weeks is lenient enough, however if we only have like 3 entries by the deadline we can talk about an extension.
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