Contests / Will there be any?
01-March 17
Scoop Offline
I know the NE awards are right around the corner so there might be an announcement then but is there something in the works for 2017?
Scoop Offline
whoa buddy let's get through H2H20 first. Also let's just scrap NEDC #3 and go to NEDC #3.2
Scoop Offline
I doubt it. There was an h2h two years ago and it is usually every three years. I still wish there could be a h2h with purely designs.There better be an H2H this year.
Also, OT but Version 1, that's an awesome avatar.
RWE Offline
H2H is too early, but something small would be fun. Maybe also just something inofficial should be fine, everyone is busy with OpenRCT multiplayer haha. -
Scoop Offline
H2H is too early, but something small would be fun. Maybe also just something inofficial should be fine, everyone is busy with OpenRCT multiplayer haha.
any ideas? -
Scoop Offline
like a legit NEDC?
edit: or maybe a version of survivor where everyone submits a design on the same bench and then we play a game of knockout with all of the entries?
][ntamin22 Offline
We usually have an announcement or three at the end of the awards relating to upcoming site developments. Stay tuned!
Spoiler -
Xeccah Offline
Give me h2h8 or give me another ban!
Seriously though instead of trying a likely to fail contest format to only do h2h the year after, why not do it every 2 years? -
Bubbsy41 Offline
Hmm hints....Liam's Food Blog talks about food competition?!?
YoloSweggLord Offline
Give me h2h8 or give me another ban!
We've already determined it happens once every 3 years so let's give him what he asked for -
Iron Rattler Offline
I'm personally rooting for a micro madness as its the most accessible contest in terms of time commitment -
Coasterbill Offline
H2H would be awesome now because of Multiplayer. I think any new contest should be something that allows people to take advantage of this great new feature. Something like Micro Madness would be fun, but it would be a shame not to incorporate multiplayer since it's pretty much revolutionizing the way we play the game.
G Force Offline
There might be something on the horizon, if there is, it will be announced at the NE Awards Ceremony like almost always.
Louis! Offline
Omg when do you people ever learn? I swear every year, just before the awards, or when there hasn't been a contest in a while, someone makes a topic lol
Does it not occur to people that if you feel like it's been a while since we had a contest, that we most likely also feel the same?
Silly NE. -
Liampie Offline
H2H would be awesome now because of Multiplayer. I think any new contest should be something that allows people to take advantage of this great new feature. Something like Micro Madness would be fun, but it would be a shame not to incorporate multiplayer since it's pretty much revolutionizing the way we play the game.
Maybe a contest where small teams participate in several rounds with varying objectives would be great for this.
GammaZero Offline
Maybe a contest where small teams participate in several rounds with varying objectives would be great for this.
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