RCT Discussion / NE Multiplayer Server III
- 13-February 17
Scoop Offline
to piggy back on what Louis and g-force said, I didn't say anything about being original anyways. When was the last time you have seen something on the site that was completely original with no inspiration from other work be it whole ideas or very small detailings?Clearly that must make your style very original.
Coasterbill Offline
We were working on Riverland. I can jump in on this but I don't know what needs to be done where and don' want to step on anyone's toes.
GammaZero Offline
I'd love it if someone, anyone, built on the Asian area. If you guys feel like it doesn't fit/another theme could work better, feel free to delete my coaster.
mintliqueur Offline
Asian area, water coaster and the B&M sitdown seems to be most urgently needing work done. It would be a shame if this park went the same way as the last attempt... What's there so far is outstanding!
Louis! Offline
and don' want to step on anyone's toes.
Just stamp all over people's feet, its just how it is in multiplayer.
trav Offline
No room for a new coaster means no one cares.
I think G Force hit the nail on the head sadly, people don't care if their work isn't the premier attraction on the map.
BelgianGuy Offline
that's not true, I simply haven't built because I don't like ncso... I moght try though but not at this point.
Faas Offline
I'd like to help but it's been a week so my version of open is outdated and I can't open the park.
No the launcher won't work for me. -
mintliqueur Offline
Fuck the launcher, easier to just grab the latest build from the website whenever one has time to do that. Really simple.
Liampie Offline
Someone set the default user group to 'Regulator', meaning that anyone who joins has full permissions. This is super dangerous, and although it could've been worse, the park has been grieved a little in places. Rides with maximum launch speed, weird colours, changed ride names, broken queues, and even erased theming in Russia. The amount of guests is stable at around 1900 in contrast to the 4000+ it was before, somehow.
Someone also deleted my Chinese bridge without permissions and replaced it with an ugly inferior one. It's also a good idea re-hire staff if you fire everyone.
Guys, you made a mess of the park last night... Please watch out. Next time something like this happens it could be worse and we could be set back days instead of just hours like now. If you do this intentionally and we catch you, you're in big trouble.
nicman Offline
I have a backup save..
I am always so scared of this park getting messed up, I create backups regularly. -
Jappy Offline
Let's not revert to the back up. most things have been fixed and we've continued work on the park now online.
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