Music Forum / I compiled a full length demo of noise music
22-January 17
SensualEthiopianPolice Offline
I've been making lots of harsh noise music lately and recently put together a demotape here. I'm really excited to finally show off all of the tracks I've made lately.
MorganFan Offline
I listened all the way through. Some interesting stuff there. The last track was definitely my favorite. You really dove into some weird stuff, but I like it. I'd give a full review but it was kind of a passive listen (sorry :/ ). Good work!
Liampie Offline
What's the point of making something that lasts 45 minutes, if no one wants to listen to it for more than 4,5 seconds? Which is only that much because that's how long to figure out that this music does not have the qualities most people look for in music, namely rhythm, melody and meaning.
SSSammy Offline
think its a bit harsh to say its devoid of meaning. you can clearly gleam a fuckload of meaning from it. not all music should be made to please all people.
that being said, i won't listen to any more than the 5 mins i did just now. keep up the good work. do what makes you happy.
GammaZero Offline
What kind of meaning can be taken from random loud noises? At this point I don't even think this could be called 'music'.
SensualEthiopianPolice Offline
In particular, the last track was meant to sound army-like, the drum sample from in a gadda da vida i used to try and create something that sounding like a march. Towards the end of the song i opted to use a less harsh sample to sound like it was coming to an optimistic conclusion. I don't want to go to far into it but there's lots of meaning behind every part of it, and it's really frustrating to work hard and create something you're proud of only to have you and yolo jump on every opportunity to berate itWhat kind of meaning can be taken from random loud noises? At this point I don't even think this could be called 'music'.
SSSammy Offline
listen to the track again. does it make you feel anything? unrest? conflict? violence? perhaps an ironic sense of calm? maybe you feel more at peace because you've found a peice of music which evokes what you have inside? a kind ofunashamed expression of who you are? disgust perhaps, if you're feeling particularly edgy and want to disparage your fellow member. that's okay. because that's your interpretation. not to mention that that may have been SEP's intent! art is made not only to provoke, but is created with intent. i'm not going to make you listen to it, like i said, its a bit too harsh for me and WAY too long to stomach in one sitting.
there is no definition for music. how i tend to sum it up is is "art created using sound". i think that's pretty inoffensive and i don't think anyone can disagree with that. philosophers have wrestled with the concept since the dawn of civilisation, at least since ancient greek times.
what i'm not about to do is sit here and let anyone say that something my fellow member has worked on (worked hard/long/short/thrown together, doesn't matter at all) to express their artistic creativity is not music. that's just straight up mean.
G Force Offline
The first few seconds were really quite, so I skipped to about 4 minutes in and it scared the shit out of me, so I turned it off.
SensualEthiopianPolice Offline
That's fair, i don't expect most people to like it, but i appreciate giving it a listen nonethelessThe first few seconds were really quite, so I skipped to about 4 minutes in and it scared the shit out of me, so I turned it off.
csw Offline
I like it from the first few minutes. Reminds me of Godspeed You! Black Emperor which is always a good thing. I'll listen to the rest later, good stuff, don't let these pop-heads talk you out of what you're doing
MorganFan Offline
Came back to say that I definitely got something out of listening. Art isn't meant to be enjoyed, it's experiences, feelings, ideas being shared. I don't go to art museums so that I can sit and stare at pretty things (that's the outdoors for me), I go there so I can be stimulated to think about things that wouldn't have normally made their way into my mind. I listened to SEP's music with no expectations, and what I got out of it was more than I normally get out of listening to my Spotify Discover playlist. Was it a bit challenging at times? Yeah, but I'm glad I listened to it, and because of that, I hope that he will continue to make music in the future.
Dr_Dude Offline
oh shit this caught me way off guard, no offense but i expected some typical fuzz-wank shit. but this is truly gnarly
SensualEthiopianPolice Offline
it's been a while since I've heard gnarly, i don't know here if thats a good thing or a bad thingoh shit this caught me way off guard, no offense but i expected some typical fuzz-wank shit. but this is truly gnarly
SensualEthiopianPolice Offline
exciting news: I recruited my friend Taylor to Togoland so it's going to mean a couple things. First, it'll probably take longer to put out songs. But secondly, they have much more of a discticnt and well put together sound, new updates will go to the twitter for anyone who's interested which i know is very few of you but somebody's got to like it, right?
Lilith Offline
Love the new track. I've been wanting to get into making noise for a while now, it just seems like it would be really fun and in a way relaxing. How do you make your noise pieces?
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