02-June 03
rctfreak2000 Offline
Shut up.
I think it is time that you all know somthing.Damn where's Git when you need him.
I am Stupid Git.
Fuck, I made up the name OZONE and started making parks to confuse people. You all thought I made them fast, as in a month is fast. Shit, I made most of them in one night alone. Oh and another thing, I am Aviator too.
One more thing, I am QOTSA2002 also. But come on fuckheads, that one is obvious. Haririkirii is my cousin. -
Tech Artist Offline
ya sure! and any person here knows how do back up files except YOU!Seeing as how school is main source of me socializing I enjoy it quite a bit... but i guess you wouldnt know would you... also in school I LEARNED HOW TO BACK UP FILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyperion Offline
Seeing as how school is main source of me socializing I enjoy it quite a bit... but i guess you wouldnt know would you... also in school I LEARNED HOW TO BACK UP FILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello kindergarten class, we have a new student, his name is rctfan some random number, and hes 34 years old... apparently he doesn't know how to read yet so lets try not to make fun of him... -
Tech Artist Offline
wow that's it? did Jhon help you come up with that hmm? well let me say that it SUCKED!
hello kindergarten class, we have a new student, his name is rctfan some random number, and hes 34 years old... apparently he doesn't know how to read yet so lets try not to make fun of him... -
Hyperion Offline
May I say the same to you? Or shall I use some other uberly confusing word I actually learned from going to school. -
Brent Offline
Damn dude, this is the most entertaining topic since, well, since my BGSS topic started yesterday! LOL... now can I please be allowed back in the Ad District. Not like I can't look at it when logged out or anything, lol. -
Tech Artist Offline
Hyperion you go to school? wow that's truley amazing considering alot of people here do including me! IDIOT! -
Hyperion Offline
This kid is like herpes... even when you thought it was gone it just comes back to bite you in the @**... if thats the way you swing ofcourse... -
Hyperion Offline
rctfan... i couldn't here you through that wet crap in your mouth... you gotta spit it out... just cause it looks like chocolate doesnt mean it is.... -
Hyperion Offline
anyone got a gun I can shot rctfan with... i seriously need to shot him... if not that can someone shot me... -
Tech Artist Offline
Hey Hyperion, shoot me I dare you. oh ya you don't know were i live or were i am! HA! -
Prince Offline
immaturity at a whole new level, not only have you dissed my friend here but you've dissed foozy...god you are a loser...
~Prince Ashitaka~ -
Hyperion Offline
I know... how can you diss Foozy...tsk tsk... anyways i dont think you want me to know where you live... -
Hyperion Offline
Well Im off I got to catch some Zzzzz and watch Jay Leno... headlines are tonight...hopefully... peace to everyone but R.F.... one more diss though... RCTFan is like gum... once it gets in your hair it never comes out...