Related Games / [PC] Adelphi Park
27-November 16
Richie Offline
Let's revive the Ad district
Looking to make a realistic believable park with themed areas, the park location is some woodlands out in the sticks. Main focus is going to be making everything work from a visitors perspective so I will be adding box warehouses to the back of the facades and mountains etc. I'm steering away from custom roof and walls made from multiple items to hopefully allow me to complete the park without too much lag. I want to focus more on the shapes and structures rather than the small details.
I also tend to delete stuff a lot so I started trying to get the layouts and ride locations in first so i don't waste time landscaping only to just flatten it all out again.
So far I have a log flume, spinning coaster, b&m invert and junior coaster with dark ride section.
Welcome to Adelphi Park.
And overview, sand colour is outlining paths light green is train line.
Six Frags Offline
Very nice work there Richie! I agree with you that we should revive the ad district (once I completed my scenarios I'll be working and posting my new park here too)..
I love the realism and atmosphere in your screens (with architecture that is), and the layouts seem nice too. Love the overview screen as well, as I'm a sucker for those for some reason
Btw, whats your steam name?
Richie Offline
Working on an RMC wooden coaster, what do you think? I'm not finished with the smoothing as ill be remaking the layout from the 180deg stall most likely. I will most likely keep the interlocking corkscrews/rolls if i can keep enough speed through both. Its going to be in the western area, named Rodeo. Thought id upload a video with live stats too to test nvidia recording software
In:Cities Offline
I absolutely love this.
PLEASe continue.
I've been spending more time in this game lately, but am still just getting the hang of everything. (Playing the scenarios first before even touching sandbox) The terrain feature is my favorite, and I'm getting the hang of the path system.
This is the kind of project that i want to undertake once I feel a bit more comfortable with the game. Really really cool idea with the eggs on that one ride. That section will look even more fantastic once you flesh it out with foliage and structures.
Keep it up!
BelgianGuy Offline
good coaster but I'd say the last turn up before going into the brakes is too high, kill the speed a bit wich is something you'd want to avoid on an RMC i think...
also for the smoothing, watch this video, he explains really well how to select certain parts to smooth them out!
Richie Offline
^ Good spot Roomie was waiting for someone to notice, i loved the look of the first half when i saw it on google. Was a bit different to all the other inverts. The spinning coaster borrows alot of the layouts of the real mauerer sp? spinners too. The kiddie dragon coaster is based off the dragon coaster in legoland malaysia. RMC borrows the first drop from storm chaser but rest will be my own design.
I've now deleted everything back to the bottom of the first drop, no matter how much i changed the track it had a weird wobble the whole way around. I didn't use the smooth tool too much because it causes this wobble overused but it got annoying so restarting haha The invert is pretty smooth with very light use off the smooth tool, even the corkscrews work and they are custom to allow better entry/exit into it.
Just need to get used to the rmc track, it looks weird and 'wrong' even when its how it should twist if that makes sense. What to do you think of the first drop/roll shape?
Richie Offline
It's a bit of a mix between and borrowing the first drop from
Will eventually come up with my own designs just trying to use existing rides to get an idea for the realism. I love twisty track porn =)
Also realise now they are Gerstlauer rides, was originally using dragons fury for inspiration but couldnt find any good pics of overall layout
Richie Offline
It's happened again, new approach this time. Same ideas better look, i can blue print what i want to copy over which wont be much lol
Richie Offline
So i HOPE you agree it was worth rebuilding with a more defined style, much happier with this. Might even keep it now lol
robbie92 Offline
That looks awesome. The only thing is that I hope you add a little more colour in places, so it feels a bit more warm and inviting.
trav Offline
It reminds me a lot of the entrance to Pleasure Island Cleethorpes. It's a good start, but I think the buildings need some work to really give them some character and bring them to life.
Richie Offline
I'm getting addicted to the game again, I uploaded some more pictures, still very WIP
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