RCT Discussion / Logo Board
14-November 16
Scoop Offline
hey guys I need a logo for a new podcast. the name is 9 cars per train. if anyone is interested please feel free to try out some designs.
RCThibo Offline
Goat: The Ride had me laughing so hard
So I'm guessing most of these logos are for rides and coasters, since I don't see a park being called "Leap Frog" or "Skyrider". I'm gonna go ahead and guess that these are just for extra detail and story (for timeline parks for example), since it's not something useable in-game. The logos look really nice, so gj. I'll come back here when I need logos for CN Land
][ntamin22 Offline
[ntamin22' timestamp='1500521660' post='724329']
Nope, all yours.RIOT has been claimed!
KaiBueno Offline
So, I am working on finishing RCTM's "The Masters Palette"...which is a 4 map 12 to 15+ member group park. Set to be the posthumous release of Mama Bear's pet project (who passed in March) and the club, (which essentially fell apart in 2005).
This will be the club's 20th completed group project...but has no logo...might need 4 to 5 since each map is themed to a different era of art...modern Picasso on one, Rembrandt on another. That sort of thing.
Anyone want to help in the process of releasing this long awaited, then long forgotten group project, almost 16 yrs in the making?
I will likely need at least a month or two to finish the last map section, then tidying up docs, double check the 4 maps, etc. I will also need help with a combined aerial of 4 maps into one, which was her vision.
Thanks in advance, feel free to PM me.
Fyi, this is the project where the original version of cBass' Escher Island is from. After years of me bailing on RCT, RCTM, he released it here...dont blame him, but this is why he made it.
Thanks gain in advance!!! -
Liampie Offline
The aerials thing isn't super complicated, but I have experience with it and would definitely help you out. For logos I feel like there are at least a dozen better candidates than me.
KaiBueno Offline
Thanks Liam, I appreciate the offer. Once I am to the point where I am done with all 4 maps, I will see if you are available at that time. Maybe coordinate how to release as well. -
Jene Offline
I'm finally finishing up on Kingdom of the Moon and Stars and I'm looking for a logo for this park. Would be cool if it looks a bit like the entrancesign ingame. Can anyone help me out?
Thanks in advance and feel free to PM me.
G Force Offline
Looking to request a logo for Mahoning Gardens, probably something simpler that would be fitting of a old family owned park, likely just some fancy text even.
Anyone interested? I'm always available via PM or on discord if so!
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