Music Forum / Vinyl
14-October 16
mintliqueur Offline
Sorry for bumping an old-ish thread, I just noticed this and felt I wanted to chime in as I'm in a vinyl phase right now!
Vinyl is fun to collect, handle and play, playing vinyl is much more immersive than putting on a CD, it's a sort of ritual. And the large album covers are great! The records need proper care though to sound good and not wear out prematurely. Cleaning dusty, dirty vinyls can be a bit tedious but it's worth the hassle sound-wise, plus it saves your turntable needle. I've been collecting vinyl for about ten years, though I've been out of the loop for a while now. I recently inherited a bunch of records and an old Garrard idler-drive turntable that needed a bit of fixing up, which got me back into it. It certainly is lovely to sit and listen to and watch the record spin on an old turntable you've fixed yourself!
If I were you I'd get a proper turntable to replace that one in the picture. Doesn't have to get expensive, there are many good budget alternatives. And if you look at used gear you can sometimes find really nice vintage turntables really cheap! If you need advice on what to buy is a great resource with lots of knowledgeable people, and it seems to me not overly snobbish as some vinyl enthusiasts tend to get.
Dr_Dude Offline
i collected vinyl for a short period when i was 16 or so, didn't want to bring my meager collection with me when i moved and left it to my brother. coincidentally I'm back home right now and I've been spinning a couple records. its mostly Fugazi, Radiohead, Built to Spill and some other predicable indie odds and ends.
mintliqueur Offline
Nice taste! I'd love to get some Fugazi records. My collection is mostly a mixture of 70's progressive rock and related styles, and late 80's/early 90's indie (mainly shoegaze), as well as some obscure Swedish synth and new wave bands from the 80's. I also have quite a few classical records, they're the ones I inherited recently which reignited my interest in both vinyl and classical music.
Lilith Offline
i saw a couple fugazi records at a record store in Chicago on record store day but I decided to get Orchid and the new Melt Banana / Napalm Death split 7". My small collection is kind of all over the place but lately I've been buying a lot of 90s and 00s screamo albums, like Indian Summer, Raien and Orchid. I'm having a ton of fun.
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