Music Forum / I just released my first album!
12-October 16
ida Offline
I've not been very busy here lately, but still, i wanted to share this with everyone here.
I've been working on a music album called The Otherworld for the past 6/7 months, and today i've finally released it! It contains 10 Techno tracks, from slower experimental tracks, to some faster Techhouse tracks, and everything inbetween. I've put a lot of work into it and i would really appreciate it if everyone here would give it a listen!
You can listen to it here:
I hope everyone here will enjoy it! -
In:Cities Offline
Man this is fantastic!
This genre in general has always been a bit too repetitive for my tastes, but you have a great sense of melody and the songs progress really nicely from start to finish enough to hold my interest. Your automation is spot on as well.
What software do you use to record?
ida Offline
Thanks for the reply! I use Ableton for everything. I used OpenMPT/ModPlug Tracker to write Base Delta, and i remastered it using Ableton.
I also have some actual hardware electronic instruments, my Novation Bass Station II which is featured on Indescribable Loneliness, my Korg DS-10 which is featured on The Otherworld, and the Novation Circuit, which i used for writing melodies for a lot of tracks. I recorded those using a Spirit Notepad mixer and a Behringer UCA222 soundcard.
In:Cities Offline
Thats so sick. I had a feeling it was Ableton, as a lot of my friends use it for this kind of music. The quantizing and tempo matching features are really intuitive. I love the way the effect chaining works as well. I've just never quite made the leap over yet myself. I've used FL Studio ever since a friend gave me a free copy back in middle school, so I've always done my home recording (for electronic based music) in FL Studio, and Protools / Cubase for anything else.
I do have a Novation Launchpad, I just haven't had the time to really mess with it within Ableton yet aside from downloading some project files and playing with the buttons haha. I didn't realize Novation had many other products though, so I'll definitely go check them out.
A full length album is a huge accomplishment, so I commend you on that. Did you mix and master it all yourself as well? You've got a great and polished sound.
ida Offline
Yeah, i really like the simple way the effects are set up. You can just turn them on and off and drag them around with ease, it's really intuitive and easy to get going. I don't take a huge advantage from the session view though, i only use arrangement view for creating songs, as i don't really see the benefit of using the session view for that.
Novation has a lot of other stuff, they've been making synthesizers since the 90's and the Bass Station II is a modernized version of their old Bass Station from the early 90's. It's a really cool analog monosynth and for the price, nothing really beats them - people frequently talk about Arturia's Micro and Minibrute synths, but their electronics are dodgy and can contain a lot of bugs, and their customer service from what i've heard is horrible. I really dig Novation for their build quality and their amazing customer service team, they do a great job engaging with the community. I've got a bunch of their products and none of them have let me down.
I mixed and mastered everything myself, yes. I really appreciate hearing that the mastering sounds good, as i mix on some really poor €30 Philips SHP2600 headphones. I'm planning to get new ones soon. I doubt these give a great perspective of my sound, but having used them for a while and having a reference with them, i tried the best that i could on mastering. It was tricky in some places, but i feel like everything sounds good enough though.
G Force Offline
Its quite good for your a first album. Not really my favorite type of electronic music, a bit to repetitive and same-ish, but still quite good.
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