Theme Park Discussion / North America 2017 Coasters
09-June 16
Austin55 Offline
It's halfway through 2016 and we're already seeing rumors and plans for next year.
Kings Island - Rumor - seems like they are planning a fairly large wooden coaster, likely GCI. Layout here.
EDIT - CONFIRMED - New GCI to be called "Mystic Timbers"
Busch Gardens Williamsburg - Announced - InVadr - GCI family coaster
SeaWorld San Antonio - Announced - Jet Rescue - a family style motorbike ride, likely from Mack rides.
Cedar Point - Rumor - RMC rumors of Mean Streak are heating up, potentially more likely for 2017.
Silver Dollar City - Rumor - Rumors of a new coaster, been 4 years since Outlaw Run.
Canada's Wonderland - Rumor - "Ziz" is being tossed round as a name, related to biblical names as Behemoth and Leviathan are. Ziz, being an birdlike creature, is generating rumors for a BM invert.
Bubbsy41 Offline
InVadr? In what country are they placing that coaster?
It's near New France and will be themed around the Vikings invading France. -
RCT2day Offline
I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see Mean Streak getting a new look for a few more years. Since 2013, Cedar Point has added 2 new big coasters (3 if you count Pipe Scream) and renovated Mantis to Rougarou. With the closing of Shoot the Rapids, I think they're likely to add another water ride there, or something small.
Maverix Offline
Apparently the Mean Streak crew has been notified they will be reassigned in July which would be about the time a renovation would start to get the ride ready for 2017. Question is who will be doing the renovation. Everybody would love RMC (either topper track or iBox) but Cedar Fair seems to have a love for GCI these days and it wouldn't surprise me to see them to to Mean Streak what was done to Ghostrider.
G Force Offline
GCI has already retracked a portion of the ride in the past. Maybe about 3-4 years ago now. Obviously the trains are the same unlike Ghostrider however.
I can't see them doing anything less than a complete remodel though. Ghostrider is actually a good coaster while MS is kind of mediocre to begin with, so it would seem like a rather odd investment.
King of hoping for an RMC, the remodels are't really that expensive. I highly doubt there will be a whole new coaster though, just to expensive give the last few years additions at CP. A new coaster would mark the 3rd in 5 years, not including 2015's Rougaru remodel.
Austin55 Offline
I'd like to see GCI redo it, but go in and make some pretty significant changes to it, such as making the drops steeper and banking heavier. Similar to what RMC did with NTG, but keeping the wooden character.
If RMC does do it, I'd like to again see something similar to NTG, and airtime machine with less focus on weird gimmicky stuff. If RMC could do a topper trac redo to maintain the wooden nature that'd be even better.
It's a beautiful ride and the structure of it is incredible. Would be great to see that maintained as much as possible. -
RCT2day Offline
I've always thought it'd resemble something like NTG if RMC did get their hands on it. That would be ideal, and just imagine the first drop and the speed you could get on something like that.
GCI is already committed to 1 coaster next year, maybe 2 if the one at KI happens to be a GCI, and they've done as many as 4 in a year I think. Have they ever done a renovation as large as the Mean Streak before? I know Ghostrider was a pretty substantial, seven month process. But I feel like if Cedar Fair really wants to get the most bang for their buck and not regret a renovation that delayed the inevitable in 4-5 years, they should go RMC. But again, I don't think it's gonna happen.
Version1 Offline
they should go RMC.
Or we all just stop worshipping RMC like the second coming of jesus
RCT2day Offline
^Stellar job adding to the conversation. I said they should go with RMC based on a cost-benefit analysis, not because everything RMC touches turns to gold.
nicman Offline
You forgot Canada's Wonderland. Major 2017 roller coaster coming probably. As for mean streak, Id say 2018, cedar fair will most likely take a brake for a year.
Austin55 Offline
I've only been on the two Texas RMC's but they are both incredible and sit 2 & 3 in my favorites list. GCI's are still very hyped and still fantastic rides, but RMC takes everything to 11.
Cocoa Offline
^to be fair, those two are still pretty classic in style compared to some of them. I don't really like the look of the rmc at kentucky kingdom, or goliath (six flags america i think?) because they're mostly just full of gimmicky crap thats over in 20 seconds. I'm also worried ones like outlaw run or twisted colossus fall a bit far on the gimmicky scale, although they both have a lot of things to like about them too.
that said, wildfire, lightning run, the two in texas, and medusa in sfmexico look amazing. somehow they've preserved the woodie feeling with a fuckton of awesome elements and hopefully better longevity. They're all up there in my seriously-jealous-I-won't-get-there-anytime-soon lists.
but also, that new ghostrider pov looks pretty amazing. looks like they did a really good job on the retracking, so I have hope for more like that.
Version1 Offline
I for one am not the biggest fan of old-school wooden coasters slowly dying and am very happy about something like the Ghostrider retrack. It's just kind of boring to read in everything related to new coasters "Mean Streak should get RMC, The Legend should get RMC, El Toro should get RMC, Boulder Dash should get RMC, Batman The Ride should get RMC", etc.
Cocoa Offline
I would be extremely dissapointed if any of those were retracked before I got to ride them, Boulder Dash is probably near my number one most desired coaster. but I don't see them getting rmc'ed any time soon
Bubbsy41 Offline
Who in the hell wants el toro Rmc'd?! Probably one of the best wooden coasters out there. As for mean streak I'd like to see an RMC rather than GCI. Mainly because it's cheaper and GCI's style wouldn't really fit with Mean Streaks current layout without having to demolish a large section of the coaster. Also RMC already did Texas Giants which was made by the same manufacturer and has basically the same layout. If it were to happen though I'd say probably 2018 or 2019.
version 1 I also love old school woddies, but Mean streak is a piece of crap. No airtime, no laterals, speed but really just a long rough ride.