NE Olympics '16 / July 21st: Relay Sprint
06-May 16
bigshootergill Offline
Treasure Cove: Looks like a cozy little spot. Some decent work on the details of the buildings. Obviously you guys built this fairly quickly, and while it's very good quality, I was hoping to see a little more originality in this round, which I felt this lacked.
Dave & Buster's San Diego: The building below could have used some more work, but I really enjoyed how tried something different with this coaster. It showed you had fun building this park and it held my attention (relatively speaking for a micro).
Atlantis: Honestly, if you guys had time to finish this, it definitely would have won my vote. The idea was very cool, I loved the layers, the use of a wide variety of rides, throwing in the astronaut etc. There was plenty to see, if you had a few more hours into this it would have been awesome!
G Force Offline
A cook and/or housekeeper would be nice!
This round is probably the weakest yet in quality and quantity but that's okay. There's always a weakest round and it's especially inevitable in such a diverse contest as this one.
I'll try to comment on the entries soon. I say that more often and I can't always live up to it, but I'll try.*Wife
chorkiel Offline
We had some trouble coming up with an idea first and then finishing got harder by the day. Bummed we were not able to finish, because our idea was pretty great imo.
Cocoa Offline
Treasure Cove:
A lot of you guys mentioned it looking rushed but I'm not sure you know how true that is! I built my 33% in literally 55 minutes right before the deadline. Probably the most hardcore rct'ing of my life. We had a different idea but it was too difficult and without much time we threw this together really quickly, so glad people still reckon its decent
loved it! great rig with some awesome details around. Would have loved a ride but I can understand why you choose to not stick one in. the fish and underwater details were also really well done. its not the first rig done in a micro contest but definitely up there with the best.
dave and busters:
probably the best version of this skyscraper coaster I've seen yet. the layout was hectic and the arcade below had some nice details too. overall pretty decent job- it looked a bit awkward in places and wasn't always so aesthetically pleasing, but it was still really fun and held my attention for the whole layout.
had the makings of a cool idea but didn't really get off the ground it seems. the atlantis section was a bit weird and symmetrical/empty but I liked the start of the underwater bits.
DobieShep Offline
I gotta say... I'm deeply humbled you guys are impressed with my design for the polercoaster! I'm very new to this standard of RCT2, so seeing these comments about my work over this competition has really boosted my confidence! I hope I can continue to put forth some high quality designs for you all in the future! -
Sulakke Offline
Not quite an impressive round. But like Liampie said, it was very likely that there would be such a round.
1. Roughneck: I voted for this one. It had the most content and was executed well. The entry felt a little bit dead, though. A coaster would have added so much to this entry. Not sure about the waves either.
2. Dave and Busters San Diego: The coaster was kind of cool, but the architecture was a bit stale. I'm also missing small details. There was only a coaster and a stale station.
3. Treasure Cove: Everything in here was really well done, but there was nothing new and it was really boring. It didn't held my attention for long. Would have been a lot better with peeps and a supporting ride.
4. Atlantis: This entry felt really empty and unfinished, although I wonder if it was? Symmetry does not work in such a small park.
Jappy Offline
Finally a review from Jappy! Everybody cheer!
1) Atlantis: great idea, yet not very original. The idea fort he magical underwater city has been done before in RCT, hell, even in this competition. But that’s not a big problem, you couldn’t know. What sadly is a problem is the execution. It lacks matter. I’m assuming this is unfinished? The building beneath the sea floor could use some more detail and a story to it. The underwater scene could use a bit more action, even with those entertainers walking around. Some corals or fish would’ve done wonders. I did however love the yellow submarine... Sorry guys, not my favorite.
2) Dave and Busters San Diego: I’m a fan of coaster spaghetti in a (semi) realistic setting so this is something I really like. It looks like the most awesome con ever!
The coaster itself was nice, but the amount of brakes kinda ruined the flow a bit IMO, although I realise those brakes are needed. About the architecture, not bad at all, I like the mural but like Sulakke already said, a bit stale. Some extra small details might have made it pop more, just the bright colours were not enough. Good entry!
3) Rougneck: now this is how the Atlantis entry should’ve been done! Great idea, and nice execution. I like the idea of the oil platform and the schools of fish are nicely done as well. You’ve got fucking jumping dolphins for God’s sake! Yet I agree it’s missing a ride of some sorts. Perhaps a dive coaster or a tower ride of some sorts could’ve pushed this a bit further. But still a very great entry in this round.
4) Treasure cove: probably the best entry in this round, but again, not great. The ride was nicely done but it lacked life. Peeps would’ve done wonders here, or as Sulakke said a supporting ride. Even putting music on Pirates Den would’ve helped here. Architecture was nice.
Conclusion: not the best round ever but still some solid entries. All of them could’ve used that extra umph to really push them further, and all of them lacked something to make them really stand out.
- Offline
Pra mim, foi a melhor rodada! Parabéns a todos os países!!! E venham assistir nossas (desastrosas) olimpíadas de verão aqui no Rio de Janeiro daqui 10 dias!!!
Zaiush Offline
After voting I'll post my postmortem on DnB:SD, probably wont get any eyeballs but whatever, it was super fun to build even if 99% of scenery was made in a single night.
Treasure Cove was a great scene that really nailed the puilt-up, ramshackle experience of a pirate town. It left me wanting more, especially whatever feature coaster would go in the same region of the park. Nevertheless it stood on its own well. The major downside is the lack of peeps. Seriously, adding them would have made the park feel so so much better.Roughneck is a hell of a design. Verticality, new ideas, and high detail all in one, the hallmarks of a great micro madness entry (and from Kumba of course!) I would like to see the who-did-what breakdwon of this because Jaguar and bsg (I really wanted you on Aesthetica :U) probably did awesome stuff. Jumping Dolphins, if there are NE Olympics awards, deserves a "Best Idea" nod.
Atlantis is sadly a bit squandered. The idea of a civilization beneath the seafloor could have been quite a bit better. The symmetry does it no favors, if you align it right you can hold enter/rotate and nothing will change. The seafloor level is done about as well as can be done, but a bit more inspiration would have done well otherwise.
As for Dave and Busters San Diego, Coupon did the majority of the top tower, Dobie changed my initially meh layout into a great one, and I did the bottom of the tower, so I'll be the first to admit the base was not nearly as good as it could be. Give me an added week and I'd have made it a cutaway roof or sides with a few levels of arcade machines, maybe a sports bar. (For those who don't know, Dave and Busters is a combination restaurant and arcade chain in the states. ) We love what we did.
Sulakke Offline
Pra mim, foi a melhor rodada! Parabéns a todos os países!!! E venham assistir nossas (desastrosas) olimpíadas de verão aqui no Rio de Janeiro daqui 10 dias!!!
As pessoas so falam Ingles neste forum, e alguns Holandes.
Ninguem entende Portugues.
GammaZero Offline
Pra mim, foi a melhor rodada! Parabéns a todos os países!!! E venham assistir nossas (desastrosas) olimpíadas de verão aqui no Rio de Janeiro daqui 10 dias!!!
Bem vindo -
Liampie Offline
The poll has been closed, the votes counted, and these are the results! The medal table has been updated.
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1st -
Kingdom of Ni
Roughneck by Jaguar (55%), Kumba (25%) and bigshootergill (20%)
13 winner votes (x 2)
5 runner-up votes
31 votes
The Kingdom of Ni earns 5 points
- - - - - - - - - - - -
2nd -
Treasure Cove by Cocoa, Dimi and Stoksy (33% each)
9 winner votes (x 2)
9 runner-up votes
27 votes
Timbabwe earns 4 points
- - - - - - - - - - - -
3rd -
Dave and Busters San Diego by Coupon, Dobieshep and Zaiush (33% each)
3 winner votes (x 2)
9 runner-up votes
15 votes
Aesthetica earns 3 points
- - - - - - - - - - - -
4th -
Coaster Rica
Atlantis by chorkiel, Version1 and GeertD (33% each)
0 winner votes (x 2)
2 runner-up votes
2 votes
Coaster Rica earns 2 points
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