NE Olympics '16 / NE Olympics General Thread
06-May 16
bigshootergill Offline
Query: Will each country have their own forum set up on NE? Or will we just have to use the NE messaging system?
Mattk48 Offline
I too would like to participate
I have no idea what my time or productivity will look like. Maybe pick me up as an extra if anything. cheers
Louis! Offline
In organising 2 laid back countries in order to meet demand, they are filling quite nicely.
I have 2 amazing high quality parkmakers signed up and another 2 amazing high quality parkmakers possibly involved.
Looking for some non-parkmakers now that want the opportunity to work with some big names in a no pressure environment.
Our countries are all about having fun, playing RCT and not worrying about if we meet deadlines or win, if we get anything out then great, if not, we will have had a good time building.
Get in contact if you want to join in! -
Zaiush Offline
[ntamin22' timestamp='1463165603' post='697936']
This is shaping up to be the chillest contest in NE history
I'd suggest that we have a trash talk thread but it might just turn into compliments
disneylandian192 Offline
I'd suggest that we have a trash talk thread but it might just turn into compliments
Someone get me a like button.
Milo Offline
It's cool to see new names come out of the woodwork to participate. The format for this contest should be cool. I'm excited to see the countries form and what the event details are.
Levis Offline
If someone wants me in their team I'm up. But I will probably only be good for 1 thing, maybe 2, depends on how large the things will be.
I will join any team but if Kumba wants me he has first pick
If this doesn't persuade him to make a country I'm still thinking about starting one too... roomie me and kumba together would be nice right? -
Kumba Offline
Thanks Leo, but after exploring my options I doubt I'll be on a team or in the contest.
Looking forward to some great parks in this thing and while you guys crank them out I'll be able to focus more on Musket and Kumba 2.0
Recurious Offline
I would also like to join a laid back team. However I'll be writing my thesis until the 1st of July so I don't have a lot of time, however if any of the laid back teams needs a back up don't hesitate to send me a pm. -
Xeccah Offline
$WAGiLAND is open for business
still looking for olympians
Liampie Offline
I never expected Turtle to end up on a team called "$wagiland". But I'm happy for this announcement! I'm sure there are some good people around to supplement that team. Is csw on a team yet?
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