General Chat / How is your day new element / shitposting thread general
29-March 16
Steve Offline
I've always been feeling the Bern. I know it probably won't happen but I hope to see Sanders in the general election. Once he gets into a larger spotlight I think the public will realize how much of an idiot Trump actually is.
Have you seen John Oliver's segment on Drumpf? If not, watch it. Educate yourself on how our future presidential canidate sold steaks at your local Sharper Image. You know, like people do. -
dr dirt Offline
I have no reason to believe that he supports the environment. Look at the latest spat over West Virginia and Pennsylvania coal miners. And how exactly does he suggest we figure out who's a Muslim and who's not when they're trying to come in to the country?
Toronto has a very high Muslim population which is of course only about an hour over the border. How exactly does he suggest we figure out who's a Muslim when they try to come into the country over the Canadian border? Even if you ignore the bigotry behind it and the fact that it flies in the face of everything we stand for as a nation it's still wildly impractical. It's just pandering to his base. I'd love to hear him explain how we would like to enforce this but he never will because you can't and his base is too angry to care about practicality on that issue.
Theres a big difference between not supporting the environment actively and being for pollution, and its harm etc. No candidate in their right mind will actively be against the environment, not even Trump. As far as a temporary immigration ban, well you always could go the bigotry route to screen out the majority of Muslims based on race. You won't screen out everything effectively, but neither will anything else with any practicality. The nation uses race as a proxy for everything as is anyways - like using minorities as the basis for affirmative action rather than socioeconomic status, which is the real issue at hand. Using it as a proxy for national security is probably one of the better uses of bigotry, even though it's not ideal and fundamentally unethical.
Faas Offline
I think Hillary Clinton is the scariest candidate. She looks like someone who is pretending to be human. -
Coasterbill Offline
Theres a big difference between not supporting the environment actively and being for pollution, and its harm etc. No candidate in their right mind will actively be against the environment, not even Trump. As far as a temporary immigration ban, well you always could go the bigotry route to screen out the majority of Muslims based on race. You won't screen out everything effectively, but neither will anything else with any practicality. The nation uses race as a proxy for everything as is anyways - like using minorities as the basis for affirmative action rather than socioeconomic status, which is the real issue at hand. Using it as a proxy for national security is probably one of the better uses of bigotry, even though it's not ideal and fundamentally unethical.
The fact is though (god now I'm going to sound like a douchey liberal and I'm really not I promise, lol) corporations don't care about the environment and never have (see the Industrial Revolution) so you actually do need the government to step in and regulate these things. Hearing the Republicans speak about this is cringe worthy. Marco Rubio's take is essentially "Well yeah it's a serious problem but China doesn't care so why bother trying to do anything, screw it". The entire party seems to have the same asinine opinion at best or they flat out deny it at worst. The Obama administration has tons of flaws but they've done great work on climate change. We need to continue that trend. I guess this is where we may disagree politically though which will lead to back and fourth and we can agree to disagree if that's the case. But those are my feelings on it.
And as far as using race as a proxy for everything, that's really something we should try to do less of (I agree, affirmative action is bullshit. See now I sound like less of a liberal, lol). People should be judged (in the words of Martin Luther King) not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Stopping people at the border because they have dark skin and look Muslim is an embarrassingly bad idea. Plus all this will do (watch this right wingers, watch what I do here) is hurt the law abiding citizens. Criminals and terrorists don't care about laws so they'll break the law and come in illegally (unless we want a wall on the Northern border that I guess we'll "make Canada pay for"). I would love for someone on the right to tell me why what I just said is wrong without at the same time ripping their "Law abiding citizen" gun argument to shreds.
And this is why both parties are hypocritical and full of shit...
I think Hillary Clinton is the scariest candidate. She looks like someone who is pretending to be human.
Lol you're 100% right, she does a slightly better job at acting like a human than Ted Cruz did though. He was insanely creepy.
dr dirt Offline
^ I think as far as environmental policy, I agree. It's simply cheaper for companies to expend the environment at this point, but it'll change as technology catches up and the consumers become more environmentally conscious, which I think is already happening. Sure, it'll be beneficial to support the environment from a global-conscious perspective, but it'll hurt US companies competitively in global markets for the time being. I totally think it's horrible what we've done to the environment, but it's also worthwhile to be realistic economically. Companies that look to save money at the expense of the environment will look to outsource and hurt the environment anyway.
Totally, totally horrible to deny access to the country based on race, but it's the easiest to implement and already has the precedent - "random" security checks at airports are notorious for this. Right? No. Effective? Who knows. But I think the idea is to stop the spread of terrorist sentiments to citizens and breeding homegrown terrorists than stopping Bin Laden driving a dirty bomb across the border. In the former case, you could potentially immigrate as is, and carrying a bomb or whatever isn't necessary. And I think it's more of a hurting law abiding immigrants rather than law abiding citizens.
Coasterbill Offline
Fair point on immigrants vs citizens but I think the sentiment is still the same. I don't know,
I think we can agree to disagree on this (I don't care to argue politics too much because neither one of us is going to budge, lol). I don't agree though. I'm a realist but I feel like climate change needs to be a global priority (something that President Obama has been working with a lot of other world leaders on to his credit and I'm not his biggest fan). I'm all for making an effort to do the right thing even if it's very unlikely to work (on the issue of climate and basically everything else) which is probably why I support Sanders knowing full well that nothing he proposes will get through congress. Luckily the same holds true for Trump. I never underestimate the ability of congress to sit on their ass and make sure that nothing ever gets done.
dr dirt Offline
Yeah, agree to disagree here, even though I don't think we're in too much of a disagreement. Point being, Trump getting the ticket isn't as much about his ideas as it is the voting public growing tired of textbook party-line politicians, which I'm all for. GOP leaders and the collective are generally pissed he won just because it's a bit of a slip of their grip.
Anyways, I'm predicting Hilary will win, and our lives will only be changed extremely minimally because of it, as would be the case with Trump.
Milo Offline
When people start dying and migrating from flooded coastal areas is when we'll start caring about climate change. At that point the human cost will be visible and companies that don't want bad PR will have to start "doing their part" or at least acting like they are to prevent any further damage. Damage that may be coming anyway with the lag time that climate change potentially has, we won't know all of the effects for another century or so.
Here in Missouri winter, spring and fall are all starting to blend together, it hasn't broken the ecosystem but it does put strain on it. Growing anything reliably still relies on knowing when the first or last cold/warm snaps begin and end. Other than that there's just less deep freezes and 50-60 degree warm days most months in winter amongst the typical 30s.
I don't really get climate change denial. I think it's plainly visible, at least to my family when we were running our farm. At this point it doesn't matter how much we created it or if it's a natural cycle, the Earth is basically in the middle of a massive science experiment that we don't know the results of yet. Either way we have to deal with the consequences.
I don't agree with the idea that Trump is blatantly unqualified. Under qualified perhaps ("Ronald Reagan??... The actor?") but the pres really isn't more than an advised figurehead which I think Trump is fine being. He's shown he can play the political game as well as recruit people to help him play the game effectively.
The US really is a fading republic at this point though. Dan Carlin did a great Hardcore History series about the last 60 years or so of the Roman republic era. From the Gracchus brothers to Caesar. It's cliché at this point but the parallels to Rome are there. Back then political outsiders were violently assassinated by the Senate, these days it doesn't quite work that way. However the level of political apathy, hostility and fear towards political outsiders by the ruling classes can be seen in both time periods. Plus the fact that flaws in the political system start to show themselves and get exploited.
I think here in the States the whole conservative/liberal infighting is just a side show. There's a large chunk of the population that is moderate and isn't unhappy enough with the way things are to even be invested in the system at all. And anyone who is for small government or libertarianism (and no, not all libertarians are bong hitting fence sitters) is simply used to losing and has no interest in a system that keeps getting bigger to justify its own existence.
Xeccah Offline
Let me say some things about trump. I'm a right-leaning libertarian so I generally like him and I like him especially over Ted cruz/socially conservative establishment filth and over corporate shills like Hillary. I understand the want for a wall, even though It won't be as effective at keeping illegal immigrants out as much as he thinks it is (as most illegals come over through checkpoints as-is). I believe that if you are to have a welfare state, which I'd say that the scope of ours is far too large especially considering how much more multicultural we are compared to literally every other western nation (multiculturalism makes a big difference here; when you have cultures who have clashing core values, your laws don't work as intended), you must have an effective way of siphoning out immigrants who come through illegally. Again, I'm not too big on a welfare state as a) pouring money doesn't solve problems generally and b) economics determines behavior of production and consumption, which those 2 together means too much welfare received can detriment a community, destroy family units, and lead a generation into crime, poor job opportunities, and the eventual dole. Welfare and our draconian drug policies have literally killed the economic libido of the black community as a whole.
Any denial of climate change is dumb and I automatically discredit a person if they deny it. You can argue to what extent are the effects, but to go against universal evidence and scientific consensus because it doesn't align with your opinions is dumb.
Really, all in all, this election proves that democrips and rebloodicans are 2 sides of the same corporatist, establishment coin, and that plus the cultural destruction of particularly the new left (neoliberalism) shows that the US is in decline.
Lotte Offline
I'm a right-leaning libertarian
I believe that if you are to have a welfare state, which I'd say that the scope of ours is far too large especially considering how much more multicultural we are compared to literally every other western nation
10/10 you'd fit in well on reddit
G Force Offline
You realize on the American scale reddit is definitely not right-leaning. For the most part reddit is far left on the American scale.
Cocoa Offline
^and all the i'm-going-to-hell-for-this, redpill, whatever stuff that frequently makes it to r/all. I'd say its such a mixture of separate communities that its too hard to say at all which side reddit leans to, it depends where you spend your time. the only consistent thing is that its mostly young people, so on other side the conversations/shitposting generally reflects that
Xeccah Offline
no, gdb, i disagree with a lot of the rhetoric theredpill and such other subreddits use (a lot of anti-woman rhetoric, blaming solely women for some societal problems that are both the faults of men and women). And, yeah, reddit has bastions for all so-called "factions" so it's really not left nor right leaning.
Lotte Offline
After taking my sixth 3.5 hour long exam in the past 1.5 weeks, I can definitely say that my brain is deep fried and ready to take out of the oven
Liampie Offline
Your problem there is that you're deep frying in the oven
Problem for ordinary people, no problem for Liam's Food Blog.
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