General Chat / How is your day new element / shitposting thread general
29-March 16
Xeccah Offline
A vote for trump is apparently a vote for pizza hut and their tantalizing stuffed crust.
Coasterbill Offline
A vote for trump is apparently a vote for pizza hut and their tantalizing stuffed crust.
Well apparently Americans like Pizza Hut because somehow he's the Republican nominee.
How the hell did it come to this? How?
chorkiel Offline
"Trump will implode!"
"Trump won't win a state!"
"Trump will never be the nominee!"
"Trump will never be president..."
Coasterbill Offline
I really thought for awhile that Americans had enough common sense to realize that he's a historically terrible choice with no experience whatsoever who's just taking advantage of people's anger and convincing them to direct it in stupid places but I gave people too much credit.
I wouldn't even be that surprised if he wins the election. I'm really in disbelief.
G Force Offline
While I don't really care for Trump, I seen to understand why people vote for him which is something most people are unable to do. Perhaps I can even sympathize with them, I mean politicians haven't really done anything great in the past 12 years, so why not try and change something. -
Liampie Offline
Is it thinkable that a significant portion of the people who supported Cruz and the other Republican candidates will vote Democrats, in the upcoming election? More than usual? -
inthemanual Offline
Yes, it actually is pretty unlikely. According to the Moral Foundations theory, conservatives value authority and in-group loyalty more than other groups do, which tends to them sticking to the decisions and declarations of the party. Liberals aren't as affected by this, so you'll see a lot more Sanders supporters switching sides or voting 3rd party if he loses the democratic nomination. -
csw Offline
I'm guessing most anti-trump republicans would go with a third party or abstain. Trump is bad, but not as bad as Hillary in the eyes of the right
Coasterbill Offline
I don't think so. There are a few problems with that. One of which is that Hillary Clinton is a truly terrible candidate in her own right. I don't have a huge issue with her but her approval rating is pretty dismal among moderates.
The bigger issue though is that people always focus on a few specific issues that make or break everything for them. Conservatives won't vote for anyone who's pro choice ever and for some reason the evangelicals are eating this guy up. The other issue (for some reason) is guns. People on the right are terrified that the left is trying to take their guns so they'll back trump even though he's only talking about guns and abortion in the first place to tow the party line. Anyone looking at it objectively can tell that if elected he'll ignore those issues entirely (which is still sort of a win in the eyes of the right when compared to the left who will actively fight for a woman's right to choose and sensible gun lesislation).
We're honestly stuck with two awful candidates at this point and I think moderates (myself included) will vote for Hillary by default even though we don't really like her, but conservatives are just blowing smoke because when push comes to shove they'll vote on the same two issues they always vote on. Conservatives hate Trump but they hate Hillary more. -
Sulakke Offline
Trump seems to be the least bad option out of all worthless American politicians. I feel really sorry for you guys. The once leading USA will only become a more and more crumbling superpower.
Version1 Offline
Trump is like the worst option ever. It would be better to not have a president for 4 years.
dr dirt Offline
Either option is far less than ideal. In all honestly, I'd prefer Trump just because of not being a party insider - which is a terrible system (two-party), and, unfortunately, essentially necessary for any candidate to yield to in order to have a shot at winning. But, I don't think for a second that some conservatives will vote Hillary just because they're pissed Trump won.
Coasterbill Offline
I think the reason we always end up with such awful candidates is that the primary system is flawed. The democrats have been much more civil, but all too often it becomes a contest to see who can be the most liberal on one side and who can be the most angry, belligerent fear monger on the other side. Anyone like Chris Christie for example who was well liked for a long time in New Jersey would be forced to stray from his previous semi moderate viewpoints or they would be picked apart in a contest to see who could be as right wing as humanly possible. He would never stand a chance to get the nomination acting like he did in New Jersey. Of course this means that when the general election comes around moderates are left with 2 opposite extremes because nobody takes electability into account during the primaries.
For example let's say you had a Republican who believes that President Obama did a decent job but he (or she) has some ideas to improve things. Let's say this person believed in Climate change and thought it was a priority but maybe leaned conservative on some other social issues. I'm not saying I would agree with this persons policies, but in a general election they would probably win. Everyone on the right would have to vote for him / her by default and they'd be way more appealing to moderates too.
The problem now is that everyone tries to outdo each other and tow the party lines as much as possible and sometimes the party line is inconsistent with voters but they're forced to choose between extremes and moderates would be weeded out by default. People are so frustrated with this that they finally decided to vote for a true outsider (Donald Trump) but in my opinion he's a complete overreaction to these problems. The idea of voting for a protest candidate is a good one, but not when the candidate in question is proposing banning people from the country based on the fact that they look Muslim or actually said that climate change was a myth invented by the Chinese. The concept of voting for an outsider is great but they picked someone who is completely insane. -
G Force Offline
I'd probably consider voting Trump is Kasich was his VP, I like him enough, mostly because he's from Ohio though. Otherwise I honestly have no idea, probably just won't vote then. Kind of a shame as it will be the first election I'm able to vote in. -
Coasterbill Offline
^^^I have to admit that late in the campaign (too late unfortunately) I really started feeling the Bern. I can't for the life of me figure out why he's not crushing Hillary Clinton. His policies are impractical thanks to this do-nothing congress but they're morally just and when you really listen to his message he's a spectacular candidate and he's been on the right side of history for decades.
Like this speech from 1991 in front of a senate that was clearly just as useless then as they are now.
Or this from 1995
Or this one
His supporters are unbearable guilty liberals sometimes but as a candidate he's excellent.
Don't worry though, we managed to fuck that up royally and pick Hillary and Trump. -
dr dirt Offline
@CB, I think most of that is candidates responding to who actually votes in primaries, which proportionately is staunch conservatives/liberals rather than true moderates. It's always been the case where you shift towards moderatism after you've secured the party nomination. Personally, I don't see an issue with a temporary ban on immigration, the US doesn't really owe it to anybody to allow them to immigrate, for what it's worth. The climate thing, yeah a bit nonsense, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't support the environment. Sure he's going to speak off the cuff, but that's kinda the point. If you look at Hilary, everything seems canned and just the usual candidate rhetoric. -
Coasterbill Offline
I have no reason to believe that he supports the environment. Look at the latest spat over West Virginia and Pennsylvania coal miners. And how exactly does he suggest we figure out who's a Muslim and who's not when they're trying to come in to the country?
Toronto has a very high Muslim population which is of course only about an hour over the border. How exactly does he suggest we figure out who's a Muslim when they try to come into the country over the Canadian border? Even if you ignore the bigotry behind it and the fact that it flies in the face of everything we stand for as a nation it's still wildly impractical. It's just pandering to his base. I'd love to hear him explain how we would like to enforce this but he never will because you can't and his base is too angry to care about practicality on that issue.
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