Music Forum / sammys list of perfect songs
09-February 16
SSSammy Offline
what is my definition of a perfect song?
usually its a pop song. i don't mean perfect as in without flaw, rather one that balances art while being accessible and wonderful. usually impactful and short but not always. completely subjective but that being said i am objectively correct. they're released pop songs for the most part.
these songs do not usually reflect my ultimate ideal of "the best music". its usually more "huh, can't really find anything to hate."
I will constantly update this list when i hear/think of them. feel free to chime in/ call me a tasteless hack.
i believe in a thing called love - the darkness
crying lightining - arctic monkeys
rather be - clean bandit ft jess glynn
running up that hill - kate bush
can't stop - red hot chili peppers - *sammy award for best music video ever without a doubt
cry me a river - justin trousersnake
trouble - coldplay - if ever there was proof of the concept. i really don't like coldplay, but this is a great song.
she will be loved - maroon 5 - their first album was incredible. not really worth listening to anything else tho.
uptown funk - mark ronson ft bruno mars - it pisses me off that this was so overplayed as i only started apreciating it recently and it can never sit right with me considering its been ruined for me by overplaying
mr blue sky - electric light orchestra
what a fool believes - doobie brothers
edit 10/02/16 - added mr blue sky
edit 11/02/16 - added everlong + what a fool believes
edit 28/02/16 - added lean on
edit 19/10/16 - added problem
alex Offline
Well I'll be the first to call you a tasteless hack... soz SSSammy
(Coming from an insufferable snob though if that's any consolation). I'll mull this over and post a list soon. Cool thread, I'm very interested in the idea of a perfect pop song.
csw Offline
Nice list. The only artists there I'm a real fan of are early Coldplay and St. Vincent, but I also like Crazy and Shake it Off. Very respectable music tastes there sammy
MorganFan Offline
I'd like to add.
Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap
Gooey - Glass Animals
Man On Fire - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Home - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Harder Better Faster Stronger - Daft Punk
Midnight City - M83
Kids - MGMT
Lisztomania - Phoenix
Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People
Unbelievers - Vampire Weekend
Young Folks - Peter Bjorn and John
Two Weeks - Grizzly Bear
Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men
Trojans - Atlas Genius
Furr - Blitzen Trapper
Welcome Home, Son - Radical Face
Verona - Geographer
Ceiling of Plankton - Givers
Billions of Eyes - Lady Lamb
The John Wayne - Little Green Cars
Katie Queen of Tennessee - The Apache Relay
VCR - The xx
Generator ^ First Floor - Freelance Whales
Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second - Starfucker
There's my taste in music. Or at least what I think are the best indie/alt singles or whatever. -
Version1 Offline
I've listened to a couple of the songs and I agree, that there is not much to hate about them. But this song sucks hard. Never got the love for Muse.
G Force Offline
I've listened to a couple of the songs and I agree, that there is not much to hate about them. But this song sucks hard. Never got the love for Muse.
Smh -
Chocotopian Offline
What do you mean by "accessible", SSSammy?
As for me, I like songs that try something a bit different. Not in a hipster "it's so mainstream" kind of way, but just something that makes it unique. Sometimes just an unusual instrument, time signature or verse structure can do it.
I'm also quite particular about lyrics. I find a lot of songs nowadays are very lacking in this area, with lazy, vague, cliche, repetitive and/or boring lyrics, and rely instead on simply a catchy tune. When a song really goes to town with poignant, clever and well-crafted words and verses, I usually take a shine to it. Half-rhymes generally annoy the hell out of me, but I will admit that my favourite line in Knights of Cydonia is "How can we win when fools can be kings?"
Version1 Offline
I just don't get the idea behind this threat: "Hey guys, here is a list of songs that are good". Great, you know how many great songs there are? Literally thousands. I think every single user could come up with a list of perfect songs for him.
Idk, I guess I just hope for discussions on boards like this and this is merely a list.
Dr_Dude Offline
Arab on Rader-Attack on Tijuana
Brainiac-Hot Seat Can't Sit Down
Nation of Ulysses-Mainiac Dragstrip
The Locust-God Wants Us All to Work in Factories
RCT2day Offline
Wow, I actually agree a lot with what Sammy said. Trouble, Can't Stop, Read my Mind, Knights of Cydonia, Mr. Blue Sky, all great songs.
Austin55 Offline
KoC is so silly/epic. I love it. I'm a fanboy but there's quite a few Muse songs I'd nominate.
"Everlong" is another song that never fails to get me to turn up the volume if it pops up on the radio.
Version1 Offline
Ok, here are some perfect metal songs:
Holy Wars...The Punishement Due - Megadeth
Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Iron Maiden - The very definition of "epic"
Ace of Spades - Motörhead - RIP Lemmy
Master of Puppets - Metallica - You could argue that the whole album is perfect
Dying for an Angel - Avantasia
Limited myself to one song per band.
MCI Offline
^I prefer Back in Black and half of the Bon Scott songs over Hells Bells actually.
And how could you of all people forget this one?
Version1 Offline
I chose Hells Bells, because I wrote metal songs at the top and Hells Bells is arguably AC/DCs most metal song. Chop Suey of course belongs in that list.
SSSammy Offline
KoC is so silly/epic. I love it. I'm a fanboy but there's quite a few Muse songs I'd nominate.
"Everlong" is another song that never fails to get me to turn up the volume if it pops up on the radio.
also everyone, i feel like people aren't reading the first post. its my opinion. also, it's not what i think is the best music. for example, there's only 1 RHCP song on there. there's no king crimson or snarky puppy or hiatus kaiyote or nels cline or steely dan, all of which i have been playing the crap out of recently.
i can say that the entirety of Steely Dans album Aja is PERFECT to me. however, it is not appropriate to this list.
Version1 Offline
Well, it depends how many songs fit in the "one of the best songs ever made" category
G Force Offline
Music is possibly the most opinionated art form on the planet. I find it pretty useless to argue about top song lists generated by other people.
However I do really enjoy these lists, exposes a lot of stuff that I've never heard before, which is always great.
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