RCT Discussion / OpenRCT: advantages and disadvantages
06-February 16
saxman1089 Offline
Deurklink found a solution for getting it to work, at least for me:
I needed to copy csg1.1 and csg1.dat from the LL CD to the "Data" directory on my computer in the Roller Coaster Tycoon directory. I think you had to do this to go for the no-CD crack anyway, but I never bothered to go that far (mounting the iso to a virtual drive isn't a big deal to me). -
posix Offline
Okay thanks. Entering the path of the CD files used for the NOCD workaround did the trick. Wonderful. A big step towards authentic LL in Open. It's so bizarre to open the old parks with it, since they're still deformed (ie ghost trains) and have all the rct2 stuff in them, and run in 60fps....
@Gymnasiast, are you able to open Natelox' Altamont? It crashes for me. https://www.nedesign...dieval-gardens/ -
SSSammy Offline
is it still possible to get my ncso work in the title for openrct2?
GammaZero Offline
is it still possible to get my ncso work in the title for openrct2?
You're shit out of luck... It's too small for title sequence standards.
Recurious Offline
With the latest version of OpenRCT2 I am getting an error trapper whenever I open the object selection window or try to build a new ride. Does anyone else have the same problem?
CHE Offline
With the latest version of OpenRCT2 I am getting an error trapper whenever I open the object selection window or try to build a new ride. Does anyone else have the same problem?
And I don't know if anyone still uses vanilla, but openrct seems to use a new file format which is incompatible with it. I get an "Add-on required"-message when I try to load saves that were created in the latest build of openrct. Is that intentional?
Liampie Offline
I don't know, but I experienced that too. Not too pleased about it since I still need vanilla for certain things. There's a workaround: get an older version of OpenRCT on your computer. I have one by accident which never updates and I love it. Open your savegame with that version, save, and then you can open it with vanilla again. I don't know why they broke compatibility on all savegames. Kinda annoyed that they didn't announce it, if it's indeed intentional. -
X7123M3-256 Offline
If they'd introduced a new save format they'd almost certainly have announced it since that's a very significant change. This is probably a bug - I would submit an issue for it.
Gymnasiast Offline
It was, indeed a bug.
Rest assured we will announce when we switch to the new format. There will also be at least one release before that is done.
The crash when attempting to build a ride or opening the object selection has also been fixed.
CoasterCreator9 Offline
The crash when attempting to build a ride or opening the object selection has also been fixed.
I always underestimate object selection and how much I use it until it breaks.
Recurious Offline
Does anyone else have that OpenRCT2 does no longer automatically grab new objects from the original RCT2 folder? Is this a setting that you can change or something? Because I'm missing like half my objects atm and its extremely annoying.
Gymnasiast Offline
Yes, this was changed with the introduction of JSON objects. It's mostly to reduce complexity in our code - ObjData is now only used for images. I understand this can be annoying if you have many custom objects there - try copying them to Documents\OpenRCT2\object.
Broxzier Offline
With a recent update, the Tile Inspector has been improved. You can now select anything on the map directly by holding Ctrl and clicking on it, while you have the Tile Inspector window open. The window also automatically resizes when clicking on individual elements in the list.
bigshootergill Offline
Lovely additions to the tile inspector... I really like being able to isolate certain groups of tiles to build on. Fantastic work guys!
Jersey Jimmy Offline
I keep getting this graphical error with some custom trains and paths. What's causing it?
Chocotopian Offline
Could somebody tell me the combination of operating mode/ride type/train type that allows swan boats to move on a pre-built but invisible track please?
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