RCT Discussion / OpenRCT: advantages and disadvantages
06-February 16
imlegos Offline
I'm still kinda hazy as to why people would desire to use RCT2 over ORCT2, since ORCT2 hasn't done much other then expand on what people like about RCT2 in the first place. Even trainers are being phased out by our cheat menu providing all the neccessary like Zero-Clearance, pinned park ratings, guest spawns, among other things. And it's also likely that even if we don't keep the exact same GUI style of RCT2 due to legal reasons, it's not unreasonable just to make it support vanilla GUI if the user has RCT2, similar to being able to use RCT1's title music in ORCT2.
nicman Offline
I'm still kinda hazy as to why people would desire to use RCT2 over ORCT2, since ORCT2 hasn't done much other then expand on what people like about RCT2 in the first place. Even trainers are being phased out by our cheat menu providing all the neccessary like Zero-Clearance, pinned park ratings, guest spawns, among other things. And it's also likely that even if we don't keep the exact same GUI style of RCT2 due to legal reasons, it's not unreasonable just to make it support vanilla GUI if the user has RCT2, similar to being able to use RCT1's title music in ORCT2.
Because openrct2 is still not perfect, there is always some things that we have to use vanilla for.
janisozaur Offline
@Nubbie the reason why I expect it will be done automatically and without user intervention is very simple: it would cause significant maintenance burden having to keep compatible with two wildly different formats. We already support importing {TD,SC,SV}4 and we only managed to do so, because we internally convert them to respectively {TD,SC,SV}6. It will be the same in the future: we will convert *6 to the new format internally and there won't be a way back.
X7123M3-256 Offline
Because openrct2 is still not perfect, there is always some things that we have to use vanilla for.
There's nothing you have to use vanilla for - anything supported by vanilla should work in OpenRCT2. There's some stuff that's not in the cheat menu, but you can work around that either by editing the save file by other means, or just implementing the feature you need.There are several features trainers don't seem to have either, so keeping compatibility with vanilla isn't a complete cure for missing functionality, and it severely limits the improvements that can be made. One of the most requested features is removal of the object limit, and that cannot happen without a new save format.
nicman Offline
Other than the little mis-alignment offset these are fantastic!
It will be fixed, once they are incorporated.
G Force Offline
Have you ever though of making tire drives? Like for example on RMC's or many Intamins?
Doesn't necessarily have to be a special track piece, just another option to have.
nicman Offline
Have you ever though of making tire drives? Like for example on RMC's or many Intamins?
Doesn't necessarily have to be a special track piece, just another option to have.
X7123M3-256 Offline
Adding new track pieces requires an awkward hack right now.Have you ever though of making tire drives? Like for example on RMC's or many Intamins?
Doesn't necessarily have to be a special track piece, just another option to have.
When there's a new file format this will become much easier because we'll be able to actually add track pieces instead of reusing the same piece for different things (the booster piece is the same as the spinning control toggle - it was modified to behave as a booster track on any ride type other than the wild mouse) -
G Force Offline
Its in the openrct2 folder probably located in your "my documents", its up one level from where screenshots are saved.
nicman Offline
On a systemd-enabled system, the default path is /var/lib/systemd/coredump
bigshootergill uses windows.
Gymnasiast Offline
Recently two fixes for the AI have been merged. The first one should avoid peeps getting into a queue line without actually queuing. The second one fixes the pathfinding of mechanics if there are wide paths in his assignment area.
If you encounter situations where OpenRCT2's path finding is still worse than vanilla, please open an issue on Github along with a screenshot, a save and an explanation.
Gymnasiast Offline
nicman's new sprites have been merged:
The flat booster sprites have been added as booster sprites for the Mini and Spiral roller coaster (that share all drawing methods in OpenRCT2 anyway). Keep in mind you cannot build boosters on the Mini/Spiral RC in OpenRCT2 - you will have to convert another coaster into a Mini RC in order for it to work.
YoloSweggLord Offline
I'm fine with it, as long as they actually look better than the previous sprites and Nicman's not just doing it to get rid of mine
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