RCT Discussion / OpenRCT: advantages and disadvantages
06-February 16
YoloSweggLord Offline
I knew you could rotate the map counter-clockwise by holding down on the turn button at the top and dragging down to "counter-clockwise," but I didn't realize there was a keybind for it as well. It's a shame there's no keybind such as shift-z to rotate objects counter-clockwise.
janisozaur Offline
the keybindings are configurable, given how surprised you all are, you may better check what other keys you can press.
YoloSweggLord Offline
Oh I know about that, in fact I use [backspace] and [shift]-[backspace] quite frequently. In fact, when it was added, I changed the path invisibility toggle to [2] since it was an unused key, and all the other number keys affect visibility options.
Broxzier Offline
Good idea, I'll add it to an already open pull request for some minor TI improvements.
bigshootergill Offline
Hey Guys, 2 questions about Open's future goals:
[1] How far into the future before you expand the object limit?
[2] Any possibility you'll include a means to manually adjust the ride ratings at some point?
Broxzier Offline
1 - Could be few months, a year, or even longer, depends on how fast the refactoring goes.
2 - (no experience with that part here) I this that would be posible, but I don't think anyone is actually making something like that.
nicman Offline
Hey Guys, 2 questions about Open's future goals:
[2] Any possibility you'll include a means to manually adjust the ride ratings at some point?
Post an request on Github, but for the time being you can always use son of beast.
nicman Offline
Yeah thanks, I knew that. I have a lot of stat hacking coming up...
Just curious, why do you need to change the stats? I had the change them before, because back when I only played to watch the peeps ride the rides, I hacked the stats to make more guests ride my rides.
X7123M3-256 Offline
That's the only reason I could think of to do it, but I'm sure others have their own reasons. I'm not sure how frequently ride stats are recalculated but it seems to me that this hack might not persist for very long.
But if users here are asking for it, there's a good chance it's because it was an 8Cars feature, and if that's the case then it's definitely possible and not difficult to implement either. I think this would work well as a console command.
bigshootergill Offline
I've only hacked stats with the Son of Best trainer, but even then it can be tricky, but it's doable.
I need to change stats for my Mario Kart park. When I make the Kart track invisible with Crooked House it drastically drops the stats to the Crooked House numbers. It's drops from an 8+ excitement rating to only 2. So I'll need to change the stats for at least 16 different rides to get peeps to ride them. But it won't be ready for quite a few months, so it's no rush. -
SSSammy Offline
to get peeps to ride them you can change peep intensity stats to below 15 or something
X7123M3-256 Offline
I'm pretty sure the peep cheats only affect peeps currently in the park, so that approach wouldn't last indefinitely. Another option is to change the track type to something with more favourable stats, merge it onto crooked house, and then hide the station with corrupt elements. This becomes trickier if you have block brakes though.
nicman Offline
Since the park wont be ready for quite a few months, id just wait for openrct2 to add the feature.
I see you haven requested it yet on the github page, if you want I can do it.
Broxzier Offline
https://github.com/O...nRCT2/pull/5110 Has just been merged, which means that the Tile Inspector can now be used in multiplayer!
nicman Offline
https://github.com/O...nRCT2/pull/5110 Has just been merged, which means that the Tile Inspector can now be used in multiplayer!
Finally, I have been following this project for the longest now
Broxzier Offline
Note that there is an issue with ghost pieces that we are aware of, that could make modifications not show up correctly for other clients when they are hovering a ghost object on the same tile you are modifying. We're looking for a way to fix this, but it's not important enough to postpone this release.
Chocotopian Offline
When I try to download the latest version of OpenRCT2 (specifically the Windows x86 Installer), my computer blocks it due to detecting a virus. Is this a one-off occurrence or has this happened before to people?
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