RCT Discussion / OpenRCT: advantages and disadvantages
06-February 16
G Force Offline
I'm sorry guys, but this Peep AI you've implemented over the past year or so is simply mindbending at times.
It's probably the hardest aspect of the development, and I understand that, but some of the peep behavior is just so baffling and bizarre.
Gymnasiast Offline
@G Force: We really need a proper description of the problem in order to even hope to fix it. Preferably with a save and a screenshot.
Yesterday the 'remove all guests' feature was improved to keep the vehicles where they are when removing all guests. This is the same way it was done in 8 cars per trainer and should keep any hacks intact.
G Force Offline
I didn't mean to come off mean, but I was just so confused by the behavior of the guests that I had no other reaction. I will say that both Vanillia and Open provided peep jams in my park, just in slightly different locations.
I ended up fixing them by placing some random no entry signs, and somehow they seemed to fix themselves after taking a bizarre route to the ride. If I can re-produce the issue then Ill make a report, but to me its more of just not understanding how to fix the peep jam issues rather then them occurring in the first place. While the old path finding wasn't perfect, it was moderately predictable at most times, while this new system that is not quite as true.
But great news on that change, definitely makes the feature a lot more useful in my opinion. Keep up the good work.
mintliqueur Offline
I want to check out the progress of the multiplayer park so please get an updated Mac build asap!
janisozaur Offline
travis is having some issues: https://www.traviscistatus.com/
however this should not prevent you from connecting to the server
mintliqueur Offline
Ok, I'll just have to wait then.
Running the latest Mac build but can't connect to the server. Version number on the menu screen says 0.0.7-HEAD while server apparently runs 0.0.7-1 and won't let me connect. Is this a bug?
Lotte Offline
Just as a minor bug report: OpenRCT still gets ghost paths when disabling clearance checks, which is highly annoying when doing invisible paths (since the ghost path is invisible in this case as well). Additionally, I seem to be unable to create path that goes through a wall piece (it should be noted that this is only when placing the wall piece first followed by the path).
G Force Offline
Just as a minor bug report: OpenRCT still gets ghost paths when disabling clearance checks, which is highly annoying when doing invisible paths (since the ghost path is invisible in this case as well). Additionally, I seem to be unable to create path that goes through a wall piece (it should be noted that this is only when placing the wall piece first followed by the path).
The wall/path thing is intentional, otherwise the only way to separate paths on each side of a wall would be to use the tile inspector on every single piece of path, which would be far to time consuming.
It's not an optimal solution, but it likely saves time compared to the opposite solution, which would be that walls have no effect on paths.
mintliqueur Offline
You're not running the latest build. Switch from master to develop.
I certainly am running the latest develop build available for macOS on OpenRCT2.org, Seems I just have to wait for travis to get their issues sorted. No worries!
janisozaur Offline
The backlog on OS X jobs on travis was so huge they had to cancel it all. I manually restarted relevant job and the build for your OS should be live now.
bigshootergill Offline
Any possibility that you'll implement a way to permanently edit ride statistics (Excitement, Intensity, Nausea) in the future?
mintliqueur Offline
Thanks for that!The backlog on OS X jobs on travis was so huge they had to cancel it all. I manually restarted relevant job and the build for your OS should be live now.
Cocoa Offline
I just realized I can rotate clockwise by pressing shift-enter. I find it so disorienting that I get a headache when I do it
is this what first time rct players feel?
Liampie Offline
It's a testament to how used I am to playing RCT. For almost two decades rotating the screen has been the same. When I press enter, I know what angle I will get and I will know where everything will end up on my screen before actually rotating it. I completely internalised it. This new rotation totally fucks with my head too, I can't make sense unless I try really hard after a few minutes. So weird.
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