RCT Discussion / OpenRCT: advantages and disadvantages

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    Why we still use vanilla is beyond me.

    OpenRCT is still often broken to the point it's unplayable (varies per savegame), 8cars zero clearances is much better if you actually want to build something since you can still stack objects. Peep AI is completely awful in Open. There are still some basic hacking functions missing from Open. Instability and disastrous peep AI are the main reasons I'd say.
  • Scoop%s's Photo

    OpenRCT is still often broken to the point it's unplayable (varies per savegame), 8cars zero clearances is much better if you actually want to build something since you can still stack objects. Peep AI is completely awful in Open. There are still some basic hacking functions missing from Open. Instability and disastrous peep AI are the main reasons I'd say.
    I always use the dev version and I haven't run into any problems. 
  • janisozaur%s's Photo

    OpenRCT is still often broken to the point it's unplayable (varies per savegame), 8cars zero clearances is much better if you actually want to build something since you can still stack objects. Peep AI is completely awful in Open. There are still some basic hacking functions missing from Open. Instability and disastrous peep AI are the main reasons I'd say.


    While yes, we have no way of verifying everything on each commit and so sometimes come up with more or less broken version, an archive of these is readily available. We also fix breaking bugs rather quickly.


    Do you have any saves that you cannot open or don't work for any other reason in OpenRCT2 for you? Please, do share them.


    Regarding peep AI: https://github.com/O...nRCT2/pull/4221 (and some fixes later on) has vastly improved peep AI, do you still encounter problems with that?

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    Do you have any saves that you cannot open or don't work for any other reason in OpenRCT2 for you? Please, do share them.
    Regarding peep AI: https://github.com/O...nRCT2/pull/4221 (and some fixes later on) has vastly improved peep AI, do you still encounter problems with that?

    The problem is that I don't want to release parks that are unfinished, and I think there are more people like me. For the same reasons people don't like to release half songs or half movies. Is it possible to contact the developers in private?

    Haven't tried the peep AI yet.
  • janisozaur%s's Photo

    Is it possible to contact the developers in private?


    It sure is, the most convenient for us would be if you joined our gitter channel: https://gitter.im/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 but if you sent us (me or Gymnasiast) a private message here, it'd work as well.

  • Gymnasiast%s's Photo

    Yup, a private message is fine. Janisozaur knows more about the game in general, but if your problem concerns RCT1 import or if you want help in Dutch, it's probably best to contact me.

  • Broxzier%s's Photo

    Instability and disastrous peep AI are the main reasons I'd say.

    If you want stability, you can use the stable builds. Those have been tested and have had fixes for a while before being released. Peep AI has also been improved a lot, however this is not in any stable release yet.

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Sadly that's not true, like half of my projects are plagued by crashes that wouldn't happen if I used normal RCT exclusively. One of my parks crashes every time I save the game and I have to retrieve the dump file to continue working on it. Another park can't be opened by the guy who's supposed to work with me for mysterious reasons. And I've experienced many similar issues like that during the past months... :(

    I can't report every issue I encounter, but I will PM Gymnasiast and Janisozaur about it (thanks for the offer guys!).
  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    As of now I use Vanilla for everything but track merging. I'm intrigued by the new method of making things invisible but for now I'm still gee hacking. I'll wait for a little more fine tuning on that front first.

  • Gymnasiast%s's Photo



    If you want stability, you can use the stable builds. Those have been tested and have had fixes for a while before being released. Peep AI has also been improved a lot, however this is not in any stable release yet.


    As long as we're still busy implementing and refactoring, 'stable' releases don't always offer more stability. There's also the problem that we're usually quite aware of the bugs in the current development version, but not always of those in the stable version. This will change when the implementation of vanilla code - and the refactoring efforts that come with it - is finished, but for now I'd recommend using the latest development build.


    At least one of the problems Liampie had seem to be absent in the current development build. We are working towards release 0.0.5 which will contain stability fixes and improved peep AI (should be better than vanilla) that are currently already in the development versions.


    As for bugs you find: please keep reporting them, we cannot fix bugs we are not aware of. As said above, you can contact Janisozaur or me via private messages if you don't want your save to go public.

  • Otsdarva%s's Photo

    Is it possible move the "save game" function into the "save game as" window? Usually for bigger and serious projects, multiple saves are made to backup the progress so if something goes wrong it is easy to revert to an earlier save file. Often times I want to load a save file but accidentally click on the save game button instead because it's right below the load game button and now the save file I wanted to load has been overwritten. Perhaps the override save game button can prompt a confirmation?

  • Gymnasiast%s's Photo

    Is it possible move the "save game" function into the "save game as" window? Usually for bigger and serious projects, multiple saves are made to backup the progress so if something goes wrong it is easy to revert to an earlier save file. Often times I want to load a save file but accidentally click on the save game button instead because it's right below the load game button and now the save file I wanted to load has been overwritten. Perhaps the override save game button can prompt a confirmation?

    The quick save function was introduced with the explicit goal to avoid dialogs and confirmation windows, so we can't touch that. I think adding a shortcut for Save As... is a better idea.




    Another thing: yesterday, code was merged to draw holding brakes on the Steel Twister RC and corkscrews on the Vertical RC. This makes it possible to create a ride containing both without the need for merging. You will need to switch track types during building to get all elements, though - we're still working on a mechanism to allow more track elements to be used without showing elements incompatible with the current vehicle. There is a catch: it won't work in vanilla.

  • Otsdarva%s's Photo

    I like the shortcut approach. May be adding a keyboard shortcut for load game instead will be more suitable to avoid the problem I'm talking about?


    Great job on adding the drawing for those coasters.

  • janisozaur%s's Photo
    We're soon to release another version, 0.0.5. It is your chance now to contribute title sequence, if you wish to. For details please see https://www.reddit.c...e_parks_wanted/
  • posix%s's Photo
    Not sure how truly NCSO it is.
  • mintliqueur%s's Photo

    I think there's custom paths in Kidron Park. Nice suggestion though!

  • GammaZero%s's Photo
    The custom paths in Kidron are full size variations of the original ones and the occasional invisible path. I think it's NCSO enough :p
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Go to "Parks", search for the "ncso" tag and click it, then sort by top rated.

    This is one of the reasons why there is both a ncso tag and a semi-ncso tag. Kidron is sadly not ncso despite appearing to be.

    I recommend Manta Lake by csw, Banana Valley by Ride6 and Euroscape by Butterfinger. Sephiroth's Thunder River National Park might also be worth a try, the map is unfinished but it has some finished bits and kick-ass coasters that will definitely appeal to the NE-crowd. Oh, and zburns's Electric Park.
  • G Force%s's Photo
    Maxwell's Electric Fields is another good ncso park.
  • pierrot%s's Photo

    I do miss seeing JDP's NCSO again. He was so talented at it.


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