RCT Discussion / OpenRCT: advantages and disadvantages

  • posix%s's Photo

    Thank you. Good to have hope.

  • Gymnasiast%s's Photo

    A problem was found in how OpenRCT2 handles multiple vehicles pointing to the same replacement.

    For example, both the regular Wooden Roller Coaster train and the reversed one point to PTCT1.DAT.

    This bug was fixed tonight by project lead IntelOrca. Luna Park and Blackpool Pleasure Beach (the two I used to test) now open again.

  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo

    For example, both the regular Wooden Roller Coaster train and the reversed one point to PTCT1.DAT


    RCT2 has a reversed wooden coaster train - why point them both at PTCT1.DAT?

  • Gymnasiast%s's Photo



    RCT2 has a reversed wooden coaster train - why point them both at PTCT1.DAT?

    It has a reversed 6-seater train, but not a reversed 4-seater, like RCT1 had.

  • Sephiroth%s's Photo

    I love this project, just thought I'd re-iterate that. Once it gets to the point of adding new track pieces, it's going to be mind-blowing. First off, making every possible element and track piece that currently exists in RCT2 available to all track types; that would be amazing. Secondly, developing new ones that make sense. Like a dive loop entrance and exit, left and right, and straight to diagonal. An element to transition from a gentle or steep slope into a heartline twist, and of course the exit piece. A similar element to that one, except that it goes right or left 90 degrees (think Hulk at Universal). Diagonals of most everything. Chain lift sprites for most pieces, and an actual useable cable lift for intamin tracks. With the combination of those two you could actually make a Millennium Force lift look pretty close. And maybe add a 45 degree slope to the set, since we already have 30, 60, and 90. Overbank turns. Maybe larger transition pieces for large hills so they might actually not kill people if built in real life haha! Oh, and also LIM and LSM sections, available on multiple segment types, with adjustable speed. Holding sections on intamin impulse coasters for those back towers. Sloped brakes, friction and magnetic. Cable launches for intamin rockets and S&S launch coasters. Expanded curving drop selection, including diagonals and the appropriate transitions.


    I would also LOVE to see easy to use default supporting. Like, a feature where you can decide track piece by track piece, if you want it to have a support (or multiple if its a large element, and their spacing), and the type (wood, steel, box, single vertical member, frame, etc). Have built-in steel box frames for things like Arrow and Morgan style rides, with footers that automatically appear at the bottom, just like the current defaults do. Maybe be able to adjust pipe and beam thickness too. Haha this would almost need a separate support building window similar to the current ride building window. A simple interface where you can choose features like side brace angle and direction (including diagonal), style, chain return, etc. This would also save object space, maybe, I think. Actually I don't know, haha.


    Wow, that was a long post. Anyway, I'm sure you guys are busy at the moment with working out many bugs and implementation issues for the features that are already in place or planned, haha! Keep it up. Love what you're doing with the game. And as you can see I have a lot of faith in you! Also the LL implementation that is in the works or planned will be nice to see. I can't wait to be able to paint land like you could in that game. And re-gaining the ability to choose a support type with the path type was also a feature I always missed in going from LL to RCT2. So many good things in store. I'm excited, as pretty much everyone should be. :)

  • bigshootergill%s's Photo

    The answer to my question is probably somewhere in this thread, but I'm not up for digging through 29 pages of chatter. I want to use the "Insert Corrupt Element" to hide my entrance/exit huts, and I want to also rotate them on some rides, so the peeps enter from the side of the ride.


    Any issues with these 2 hacks with this not running properly in vanilla?

  • G Force%s's Photo
    BSG, I'll make a tutorial in under 2 hours for the tile inspector. Been wanting to do one for a while now, and this is a good opportunity.
  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo

    Hut rotation should be fine. Corrupt elements should work in vanilla, but it is very unpredicatable - I have never had it actually work, even when I only have one corrupt element on the entire map, and sometimes it works when first placed then randomly stops working after building something else. I would not depend on these - in fact, I just assume corrupt elements won't work in vanilla now.


    The strange thing is, a lot of parks made in vanilla have corrupt elements - but they are type 60, not 32 like OpenRCT2 uses. I've always wondered if that makes a difference.

  • G Force%s's Photo

    Hut rotation should be fine. Corrupt elements should work in vanilla, but it is very unpredicatable - I have never had it actually work, even when I only have one corrupt element on the entire map, and sometimes it works when first placed then randomly stops working after building something else. I would not depend on this if you need it to be compatible with vanilla - I had to cut a bunch of stuff out of my cross country engineering entry because I couldn't make it work in vanilla, and there was no way to make it work without corrupt elements.
    The strange thing is, a lot of parks made in vanilla have corrupt elements - but they are type 60, not 32 like OpenRCT2 uses. I've always wondered if that makes a difference.

    I believe type 60 has something to do with the elements being underground or having a "height limit".

    The old way of making invisible huts created the type 60 elements, rather than the type 32. Which was done by artificially creating a corrupt element by burying an element as I'm sure your somewhat aware of.

    Maybe one of the rct devs could actually explain this in depth.
  • janisozaur%s's Photo

    The tile inspector is about to receive some improvements: https://github.com/O...nRCT2/pull/4414


    Regarding corrupt elements: it's simply a matter of tool used for inserting it. Some trainer inserted them and they all ended up identified as type 60, but we have defined our own, which got first unused type 32. They used to be alike, however, they were interpreted differently in openrct2 and vanilla: openrct2 only hides the very next item, while vanilla hides all following items on given tile.


    This has since changed and we now hide all following items on given tile after encountering element with type 60 and retain mechanics for type 32. See https://github.com/O...nRCT2/pull/3018

  • G Force%s's Photo

    Tutorial added:


  • bigshootergill%s's Photo

    ^^ AMAZING WORK!!!! This could be the missing key element to finally stop use 8cars.

  • G Force%s's Photo

    ^^ AMAZING WORK!!!! This could be the missing key element to finally stop use 8cars.


    Eh, until MOM is fully added 8cars will still be needed.  Currently you can't modify the base height of objects so its kind of limited to just "behind the scenes" stuff.  Not lot of actual visual changes you can do here.


    If the tile inspector at some point has full MOM capabilities, then the only reason to use 8cars that I know of will be frozen staff, own all land, and custom messages.  At least as of the features included in the current build.

  • bigshootergill%s's Photo

    It looks like this change will allow builders to change the height of the objects...

    Attached Thumbnails

    • Attached Image: Tile Inspector Changes.png
  • janisozaur%s's Photo



    Eh, until MOM is fully added 8cars will still be needed.  Currently you can't modify the base height of objects so its kind of limited to just "behind the scenes" stuff.  Not lot of actual visual changes you can do here.


    If the tile inspector at some point has full MOM capabilities, then the only reason to use 8cars that I know of will be frozen staff, own all land, and custom messages.  At least as of the features included in the current build.

    You're welcome to check PR 4414 and leave your thoughts there.
  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo

    Not lot of actual visual changes you can do here.


    One that is worthy of mention is that the order of objects on the tile affects draw order (but doesn't completely determine it). If you have an object that is clipping through another but shouldn't be, swapping the order in the tile inspector can sometimes fix it. This is especially useful on custom supports.

  • G Force%s's Photo



    One that is worthy of mention is that the order of objects on the tile affects draw order (but doesn't completely determine it). If you have an object that is clipping through another but shouldn't be, swapping the order in the tile inspector can sometimes fix it. This is especially useful on custom supports.


    Yes, I have noticed this feature.  I'll included it in my tutorial above at some point.  I utilized this heavily in my BiZaRrO release.


    More of what I men't by visual changes is the height and orientation of elements like track and such.  Although you can turn some objects which is helpful, and re-order them to get rid of glitches like you said.

  • Sephiroth%s's Photo
    Am I the only one who noticed full x, y, and z control of objects in the latest screen BSG just posted? I mean no offense there's really no good argument that 8 cars is better anymore. I've been able to merge tracks, make things invisible and rotate them, including huts, platforms and anything else with the tile inspector in fractions of the time it would take in 8 cars, and it's much more I intuitive. I can add chain to any track pieces. I can change the train type and track type of any ride to anything. And now we can move pieces, by the looks of it. Land and water tools are more versatile in open. Object selection in save files is way better than working with parkdat. I can change the map size. Why we still use vanilla is beyond me.

    But that's just my opinion lol.
  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo

    More of what I men't by visual changes is the height and orientation of elements like track and such.


    You can change orientation for all element types, but it's only really useful for entrance huts as other items can be rotated by normal means.



    As janisozaur pointed out above, you can now change the height if you use this pull request instead of develop. I hadn't noticed that until this was posted, but I've just tested it and it works fine for most pieces, but it seems that different elements are handled with completely seperate code - the option to edit heights isn't there at all for elements not handled yet (like large scenery). However, paths and track work, and those are the main two that I would want this for because those are the ones that can't be positioned as accurately with the normal tools.


    The ability to raise/lower the entire track piece at once is handy - not sure if it's actually faster than the script I used before though, because you have to do it one track piece at a time. A command to raise or lower the entire ride would be useful, I think. The ability to edit path connections also promises to be extremely useful, as they often break when building in zero clearance mode and I have had to delete and rebuild the path every time.

  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    ITS TIME TO QUIT LL WHEN YOU HAVE RCT2 CODEX (quit cso while youre at it)


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