RCT Discussion / OpenRCT: advantages and disadvantages

  • RCT2day%s's Photo

    Thanks, guys.  Can't find my lost work but it's fine. It was mediocre work anyway.

  • Super G%s's Photo

    It's probably around in this topic, but in which directory should I put the CSO that isn't exported when saved? I'm transporting my park from the regular rct on my VM to Open, but it can't open saying it needs a specific file.

  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo

    You can either put it in your ObjData directory (same as for the vanilla game), or you can select "Allow loading with incorrect checksums" in the options menu to force it to unpack the incorrectly exported objects (If OpenRCT2 can't fix the broken object, which still happens in some cases, you'll likely get a warning about the invalid checksum, but it should still work if it worked in vanilla). This saves having to manually install objects and I usually do it that way because I'm lazy and I have RCT2 installed in an awkward location that I don't like having to type out.

  • Deenreka%s's Photo

    QuiteSomeBiscuit over on reddit has managed to get lights working in Open, reddit thread here, direct imgur link here

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    Well, I have hit another problem. Some parks cause a strange crash, but not the usual ones. I haven't checked all my files, but the parks affected are Legacies Theme Park and Spayculowse gardens. I do see someone has already reported it on github, so I hope the problem is fixed soon.



  • janisozaur%s's Photo

    You mention you see it is already reported, can you post which issue is that?

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    Issue #3722

  • G Force%s's Photo

    Just click "abort" or "ignore" (not sure what the actual working is) until it goes away.  If the game crashes then submit the report.


    There are a few odd ball parks that cause issues to me, I've been meaning to submit some error reports but just haven't gotten around to it.

  • janisozaur%s's Photo

    There are some more incoming features: http://www.broxzier....01_20-56-18.mp4


    We welcome your comments on that.

  • Tolsimir%s's Photo

    Raise/lower only for paths or for all kind of objects?

  • janisozaur%s's Photo

    The intention is to have it for all element types, with possibility of applying such changes track-piece-wide (when a track piece spans multiple tiles).

  • Maverix%s's Photo

    Is there currently a way to add chain on segments that can't normally have it?  Trying to make a eurofighter with a vertical lift and can't seem to find a way to do in in game.


    Also, if you use the corrupt element to make an entrance hunt invisible rather than the choice in the ride menu, is the park still backwards compatible?

  • inthemanual%s's Photo
    It can be backwards compatible, but it can also cause error traps in regular rct. I'd just test it before and after, and maybe again a shirt bit later, with some other things built on the tile
  • disneylandian192%s's Photo

    There are some more incoming features: http://www.broxzier....01_20-56-18.mp4
    We welcome your comments on that.

    Looks awesome! How did the idea for adjusting path like that come about? I wonder how one would use that feature.
  • janisozaur%s's Photo
    There's no specific use case we have in mind for this feature, that's mostly for you to discover, we only provide tools and means. On our end, this may be a useful debugging feature, perhaps we can use it for testing peep AI.

    There will probably be many more features added for each of the contexts (path, scenery, track, …)
  • F0ndue%s's Photo

    I'm very happy that you lifted the height limit for landscaping, however it still locks up a lot when I try to form the terrain above the limit (I get constant messages that i cannot raise the land higher when I'm trying to form the tiles). Also, you cannot form the tile at the exact height of the limit. Is that limit hardcoded, or will it be removed in later updates?

  • janisozaur%s's Photo

    There's already PR for that: https://github.com/O...nRCT2/pull/3799

  • disneylandian192%s's Photo

    There's no specific use case we have in mind for this feature, that's mostly for you to discover, we only provide tools and means. On our end, this may be a useful debugging feature, perhaps we can use it for testing peep AI.

    There will probably be many more features added for each of the contexts (path, scenery, track, …)


    Very cool! Is the increments of raising and lowering fixed or could it be done in finer increments?

  • janisozaur%s's Photo

    finer than 1 unit?

    Edit: 1 unit (as seen in the video) is the smallest granularity the game allows.

  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    And basically the smallest you'll need because of glitches and such...

    Gotta say though guys you really are delivering massive stuff here, some part in me wishes that we could use it over a wider area instead of tile per tile, but if that's what it needs then that's what it needs!


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